Altoona Mirror from Altoona, Pennsylvania (2024)

I THE Church Holds Reception For New Pastor The congregation of the Jaggard Memorial Methodist church this week held a reception for the newly appointed minister, Rev. William H. Barr and Mrs. Barr. Mrs.

John Brooks presided and introduced the lay leader of the church, Robert W. Boyer, who extended the welcome of the congregation to Rev. and Mrs. Barr. Brief talks were made by Rev.

Robert Karalfa. former pastor of Jaggard Methodist church; Dr. Robert R. Croyle, district superintendent and also a former pastor of Jaggard church, and Rev. Henry Whitlatch, pastor of the Pleasant Valley United Brethren church who spoke as pastor of a neighboring church which has held special services on a number of occasions with the Jaggard congregation.

Two solos were sung by Mrs. Richard Van Scoyoc, accompanied by Mrs. William Reish and violin selections were played by Kay Oswalt, accompanied by Carol Benzel. W. R.

Hurm. was introduced and presented a gift to. Rev. and Mrs. Barr in behalf of the congregation.

Refreshments and a social time were enjoyed in the social room of the church. Center Bridge Club Has Champion Games The first in a series of two championship duplicate bridge games open pairs was held. Wednesday evening, at the Jewish Memorial center. Winners were first, Miss Marguerite Sellers and Bernard Jubelirer; second, Mrs. Mollie Brooks and Mrs.

William Blair; third, Dr. Leon Sax and Samuel Grindlingle; fourth, Mrs. A. M. Michaelsen and Paul Sauders.

The second in the series be held next Wednesday July 19. Two master points will be awarded at the conclusion of next weeks play. Alliance Church Slates Picnic at Lakemont Park The Sunday school picnic of the Christian and Missionary Alliance church will be held Saturday at park, pavilion 4. Registration starts at 1.30 o'clock and tickets with reduced rate will be available at the registration desk. Supper will be served at 6.15 o'clock.

Everyone is asked to bring silverware. Each family is requested, to bring one covered dish. Ice cream, crackerjacks, lolly pops and peanuts will be featured, and lemonade, through courtesy, of Mrs. Evan's class, will be served. MIRACLE BOOK MEET.

The Altoona Senior chapter of the Miracle Book club will meet Saturday evenin gat 7.30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Florence Kline, 1702 South Twelfth street. The group will continue the study of the Book of Romans with Clifford Wilt as leader. Those needing transportation, call Mr. Wilt, 5-9416.

Last week's meeting was held at the home of Miss Ann Cherry, TEA PARTY DATE. The Boston Tea party occurred Dec. 10, 1773. Trick Rodeo Star Thrills Crowd at Horsem*n's Show internationally known rodeo trick rider, was a special attraction this week at the Ore Hill horse show sponsored by the Shady Trail Ridclub and the Halter Creek Sportsmen's association. A vistior at the, Frank Phillips home in I Tyrone after a rodeo tour throughout South American countries, Miss Ross performed numerous trick rides for show patrons and amused them with a whip act.

One of her novelties was to bold loaded revolver her teeth and fire it with the whip." The show featured 153 entries in staged for and, first time classes. Cen- were events many Pennsylvania Horsem*n's asSociation The largest semblage ever to witness an outdoor horse event reportedly was at the show. Another feature was added with the presentation of a black and white pony, equipped with bicycle saddle, to Homer Eiche of Sproul. Grace Methodist Plans Services The summer schedule of service for Grace Methodist church will become effective with two morning worship services at 8 and 10.30 o'clock The pastor will be in charge of both services. Sunday at 8 a.

special music provided by a quartet. At 10.30 there will be special music by the senior choir. The pastor's theme at both services will be "My Father and The evening service for the Logantown churches will be held in Grace Methodist church at 7.30 p. m. Rev.

Richard Strohl, pastor of First United Presbyterian church, will: preach. Special music will be provided Methodist by the church. junior choir of Grace The music for. all. services is in charge Jack Rodland, minister of music, of Grace Methodist church.

All services will be in charge of the pastor, Rev. LaRue G. Bender. The daily vacation Bible school being held Grace church, cooperative school of Grace Methodist and First United Presbyterian church, will continue next week with classes for beginners through intermediates. The closing program will be held Friday evening, June 21, at 7.30 o'clock in Grace church.

Rev. Strohl is serving as dean of the school. The average attendance the first four days of the has been 98 youth. State Fraternal Clubs Schedule Meet June 18 A meeting. of.

the Pennsylvania Federation of Fraternal clubs will be held Tuesday evening, June 18, at 8.30 o'clock, at the Frohsinn Singing Society home, 1129 Ninth avenue. All members of the F'ederation are urged to have representatives present, as a number of important matters will come up for action. Sunday services of the Calvary church, Fifth avenue and Twenty-first street, will open with Bible school at 9.30 Pastor Ralph. H. Stoll will speak at the 10.45 a.

m. worship service on "How to Deal With a Witch." At the 7.30 p. m. service he will Answer the questions, "Why People Fear Death?" and "Is There 8 Remedy for This Fear?" Seven groups of young people will meet at 6.30 p. m.

for Bible study. At. the-same hour, a marcouples group, under the leadership Fay Keith, will meet. The Prayer hour is 6.45 p. m.

"Organ Meditations" will begin at 7.15 p. m. with Evelyn Baer presiding. The 7.30 p. m.

song service under the direction of Pastor ald Lengel, will feature special music from Jack Neff, vocal soloist. and Pastor Lengel, violinist. Services in the Fairview chapel, Twenty-fourth avenue and Ninth street, include; 9.30 -a. Bible school; 7.30 p. Bible message, Pastor David Briggs, and Wednesday, 7.30 p.m., the mid-week prayer serviceond week of daily vacaday all at 9 a.

children, m. A picnic teachers is planned tion Bible school, will be! held Monfor cers of the Bible school Thursday, leaving the church at 11.30 a. m. and returning at 2.30 p. m.

Friday morning there will be a demonstation program which will bring to conclusion the Bible Other services at schooduring the week include: Wednesday, 7.30 p. regular praise and prayer service; Thursday, 8.30-9 school hour over WRTA; Saturday, 7.30 p.m., young people, under the leadership of Rev. Charles Hauser, will conduct! an open air service at Williamsburg. FIRST. Calvary Baptist Slates Services FIRST.

Dwight Eisenhower was first and only United States president to hold a pilot's license. A Great Gift for Dad Men's TAN TWILL With Protective Eye Shade For fishing and outdoor sports PEOPLES DRUG SERVICE STORE 1418 11th. Ave. Lowest Prices In Town On Home Repairs Phone 3-4300 Altoona Elgin Builders, Inc. 1722 11th Ave.

-COST DINING ROOM AND RESTAURANT GUEST CHECKS IN 25,000 CARTON AT 50c per 1000 5,000 at 60c per 1,000 Single at 75c Bound in books of 100 sheets, perforated and numbered. White paper printed with red, blue and green ink. To order this item ask for Form 301. Other guest checks made up in larger sizes on better paper. All kind of high-grade letterpress and offset printing.

Under one roof you can have art work, photo engraving, plastic binding, foil stamping, raised letters, mat service, designs and layouts attractive work at ordinary prices. Order Rubber Stamps Here Mirror Printing Company Better Commercial Printing 1000 Green Avenue, Altoona, Pa. Dial 7171-Ext. 56 ALTOONA MIRROR, 'ALTOONA, Altoona Mirror CLASSIFIED WANT ADS Classified Rates INSERTIONS per word per day INSERTIONS per word per day 1 INSERTION per word per day 5c 16 WORD MINIMUM Want Ad Department Monday through Friday Open 8 a m. to 5 p.

m. Saturday Open 8 a. to 1 p. m. It's so EASY to place a "RESULTGETTING" Classified Want Ad in the Altoona Mirror.

Just fill in this form and mail it to the ALTOONA MIRROR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT, Altoona, Pa. WANT AD COPY Name Address City State DATES TO BE PUBLISHED Dates Funeral Notices BROCK-Funeral Fifty-first services for street, Russell will be held Saturday, at 3 p.m. at the Mount Zion Baptist church in of Rev. A Lafayette Washington. Friends are being received at the Laughlin funeral home: until 11 a.

m. Saturday, thereafter at the church. CENCIO- -Funeral services for Mrs. Marie. Palumbo Cencio of Hollywood, formerly of 2921 Walnut avenue, will be held at Tuesday Mount at 9 a.

Carmel m. Cath- with requiem mass olic church. Interment in Calvary cemetery. Friends are being received at the A. Stevens mortuary after 7 p.

m. Sunday. ESPICH- services for Mrs. Anna L. Espich, formerly of 725 Fifth avenue, Juniata, will be held Saturday at 2 p.

m. at the Mauk Yates funeral home, in charge of Rev. J. Frederic Moore. Interment in Grandview cemetery.

Friends are being home received at Mauk Yates funeral after 6 p. m. today. MILLER- Services for George Henry Miller of Imler, R. D.

1, will be held at 2 o'clock Methodist Sunday church afternoon at the of Weyant in charge Rev. Garland C. Patterson. Interment in Mount Union cemetery, at the Lovely. Blackburn Friends funeral will be received Pleasantville, from home, 1 o'clock tomorrow afternoon until 1 o'clock Sunday afternoon and thereafter at the church.

McGLATHERY-Funeral services for Mrs. Lulu McGlathery of East Freedom will be held Sunday at 2. p. m. at the Laughlin funeral home, in charge, of Rose Rev, L.

Hill C. cemetery. Schmittle. Friends Interare being received at the Laughlin funeral home after 7 p. m.

today. MILLER- Funeral services for Samuel Miller of 219. Bell avenue will be held Monday afternoon in the First Church of the Brethren in charge of Rev. Stephen Margush. Interment will follow in Rose Hill cemetery.

Friends are being received at the Myers funeral home after 7 o'clock Saturday erening until. noon Monday and thereafter at the First Church of the Brethren. 1A Florists A. A. WHITBRED The Beauty of Flowers Is Beyond Compare 6th Ave.

and 30th St. Phone 4-1657 01A ---15 W. T. SHIELDS SONS FRESH FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS 2400 14th Ave. Phone 7073 or 2-3967 01A --21 WILT'S FASHIONS IN FLOWERS GREENWOOD--PHONE 7141 01A --21 L.

S. PETERMAN CO. WHEN IT'S FLOWERS SAY IT WITH OURS 608 4th Juniata Phone 3-6115 Card of Thanks FEELING IT will be impossible to thank all in person, we take this means of expressing our heartfelt thanks to our relatives, friends and neighbors for their kind expressions of sympathy, the automobiles offered. and the beautiful floral tributes at the loss of our. belored mother, Mrs.

Jennie Fonner. CHILDREN 3 In Memoriam IN MEMORY of our mother and wife. Mrs. Effie B. Garman.

who departed this life 7 years ago today, June 14, 1950. Seven years ago today, Since you went away to stay. Oh! how long that time does seem, Since your dear face we have seen. Sadly, missed by MR. GEO.

M. GARMAN and FAMILY. Cemetery Lots 04--20 CAN YOU AFFORD NOT TO OWN A CEMETERY ESTATE? VISIT ROSE THE CONVENIENT CEMETERY at the end of THIRD AVE. BUS LINE 04--18 4-GRAVE at Alto-Reste park. "Garden of Prayer" section.

Call Claysburg 74-J, 9-5. Lost--Found 06-14 STRAYED FROM 1013 Bridge street. Beagle gyp, black and tan, 13 inches high, license No. 12493. A pet dog.

Return to 1013 Bridge street. Ask for W. W. Green: Reward. 06- -19 -Beagle hound, black and white, answers to Please phone 2-5303.

06-17 LOST -Shovel from ash truck, 3rd or 4th Avenue, center of town. Finder return to 23rd Street. 06--17 LOST -Ladies red wallet, downtown business section, Thursday. containing money, valuable papers. Finder call 3-3228.

Reward. Personals- -Notices 07-15 XX LEARN NOW to reduce. 'Stauffer Home Reducing Plan. For Information phone Valerie Ullery 3-2783. 07-07-10 SPENCER.

CORSETIERE Individually designed, garments. Mra. Hazel Isenberg. Phone 2-5981-2-8160. FOR BEST service when ordering Classified Wantads accept the suggestions of one of our trained Ad-visers.

She'll help you ret best results. Dial 7171. FRIDAY, JUNE Personals -Notices 07-06-29 Camp Supports Style Surgical, for Men Women PRIVATE FITTING ROOMS National Surgical Fitters, 1013. Chestnut. Altoona, Pa.

Phone 6040. 07-07-12 Ardrey Old Age Home State licensed. Dial 2-1824. Legals The Hollidaysburg Community Joint School Board will receive bids on the drain pipe Alling and grading for approximately 500 feet of open ditch, For specifications contact J. Harry Henshaw.

Supt, of Schools. Bids must be in the hands of the Secretary of the Board. Mrs. Blanche G. McRoberts by.

7:30 P.M. EDST Monday, July 8, 1957. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. June 13. 14.

BIDS WANTED Sealed bids will be received by the Borough of Williamsburg at the office of the 1 Borough Secretary, Mr. James Feeny, Borough Williamsburg. Pa. until 7:30 p.m. Monday, July 1, 1957 and at that time publicly opened and read aloud on the following improvements: Sage HIll Drive, Sta Ids.

to 15 Approx. 4,850. Sq. Bituminous surface, course ID-2. Taylor street, Sta.

to Sta 2-41. Approx. 700 Sq. Ids. Bituminous surface, course ID-2.

Bidders must submit proposals upon forms provided the' Borough of Williamsburg. Specifications and Bidding Blanks may be obtained at the office Borough Secretary. The successful bidder will be required to furnish A surety bond covering the full amount of this work. The Borough Council reserves the right to any or all and to accept the bid in its opinion best serves the interest of the Borough of Williamsburg. JAMES E.

FEENY BOROUGH SECRETARY June 14. 19, 24. BID NOTICE Sealed proposals will be received by the Supervisors of Woodbury Township, Pennsylvania until eight o'clock P.M. Bedford County at Woodbury, July 1, 1957 for the following: 750 tons more or less of 2-A stone delivered on routes 635 and 641 near Woodbury. Each proposal must be accompanied by a certified check in the amount of 100.00 made payable to the Township Supervisors.

All proposals must be upon the blank form furnished by the undersigned. The Supervisors reserve the right to reject any or all proposals. Ralph B. Ferry, Woodbury Township Supervisors June 10. 14.

20. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of NELLIE B. WOOMER, late of City. of Altoona.

Blair County, deceased. Letters testamentary on said estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make immediate payment: and those. having claims or demands against the same will sent them without delay for settlement to the undersigned. AUSTIN I. TROUTMAN Administrator R.

D. 3, Box 120E Altoona, Pa. FRANK B. WARFEL, Attorney Hollidaysburg, Pa. May 31.

June 7, 14 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Estate of ANNA R. SELL late of Altoona, Blair County, said deceased. Letters testamentary on estate having. been granted to the undersigned. all persons indebted thereto are requested to make immediate payment and those having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay for settlement to the undersigned.

The First Nat. Bank, Administrator 1206 Eleventh Avenue Altoona, Pennsylvania. Louis S. Walton. Esq.

Attorney 592 Altoona Trust Building, Altoona, Pennsylvania. June 7, 14, 21 BIDS FOR LUMBER The School District of the City of Altoona will receive sealed bids until 1:30 P.M. (E.D.S.T.), Friday, June 28, 1957, for lumber for use in the manual training classes for the 1957-58 school term. Specifications, bidding instructions and bidding blanks may be secured by making application to the office of the undersigned. located in the Senior High School Building.

Sixth Avenue and 15th Street. Altoona, Pa School District of the City of Altoona R. L. Thompson, Secretary. June 7.

14. 21. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Estate of MARIE C. LINDEMER late of City of Altoona, deceased. Letters of administration on said estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted thereto are requested to make immediate payment and those having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay for settlement to the undersigned.

Mathias Lindemer, Administrator 421 South 8th Altoona, Pa. Abraham Colbus. Attorney Central Trust Altoona, Pa, June 7. 14, 21. Wanted Men 11-14 TWO MEN wanted for responsible position with large national distributing organization in Altoona and surterritory.

Some mechanical aptitude, helpful, but not necessary. Car a distinct advantage. you are available immediately, write for personal interview: Give name. address. and phone number, Altoona Mirror Box 1104G.

11----14 DISTRICT SALESMAN for a class one common carrier to secure freight for points east. south and west. from the territory of Altoona. Johnstown. Indiana and Greensburg.

Please give all possible information in first letter as to background and proposition desired. Write to President, P.0. Box 162, Bedford, Pennsylvania. 11-17 2 MEN TO LEARN heating business. No labor or mechanical work.

Good income while learning. Apply 1218 8th avenue. 11--17 PROMOTIONS OF two adjusters to positions with more responsibility necessitates filling their jobs with two aggressive men. Single preferred with at least two years of college. Excellent opportunities for advancement for men who have ambitions to get ahead in the automobile financing business with a large National Company.

Write to P.0. Box 1072, Altoona, stating. qualifications and to arrange for a personal interview. 11---14 AMBITIOUS MAN with car, filed with present earnings, to service established Fuller Brush territory. distribute catalogs and take orders.

Average $85 a week to start. Phone 4-1262. 11--14 COMPETENT MAN to All local vacancy. $16 per day, plus car expense. Full time only.

Permanent. Apply Mountain View Motel, Duncansville, Room 1. p.m. or 7 p.m., Friday, June 14. No phone calls.

please. 11- -14 SALESMANSHIP THE CHOSEN PROFESSION OF TODAY. Once mastered. you will never be out of We have the product and the know-how to merchandise it. We will start our training course next week for beginners.

Also if you are in saleswork and feel you are entitled to a better living, see me at 908 Chestnut avenue any day this week-Ask for employment manager. Attention Salesmen Do You Want? 11-20 HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES EARN $70 WEEKLY IN SPARE TIME. STOCK CONTROL DISTRIBUTION. THE LEWIS STORE, 1423 11th AVENUE. association with a Bradstreet rated multi-million dollar company? A well established protected territory.

An opportunity to grow management locally? To be thoroughly trained on salary for your sales assignment? To be associated with company which has doubled its business in the last decade? To sell in non-competitive field? It your answer to these questions is yes--atop in immediately explore this opportunity with us. Altoona Personnel Agcy. Room 238 Central Trust RidE. 14, 1957. l1 Wanted Men 11-15 LET'S TALK ABOUT YOU.

Just how much money do you need every week? I've got a deal that can bring you desired earnings it you are sincere, and will work steady. If you are 21 and have a car you can qualify. 3-8686 Wednesday or Saturday 10 a.m. You'll be trained for this work. a Phone to 1 p.m.

to arrange for interview. 11- .20 Collector-Salesman for established routes in the Altoona area. Must have late model car. High salary plus commissions, bonus and paid vacations, Right person can earn $125 or more per week. Apply in person.

Keystone Home Furnishings 1709 Union, or Dial 2-0693 for interview appointment. 11----15 SALESMAN TO carry sideline of naand call upon retail stores in neighbortionally advertised men's underwear counties. If interested write Box 7190G, Altoona Mirror, state experience. it any. 11----15 A LARGE nation-wide mover offers benefts.

incentives plus to experienced tractor-trailer driver in furniture handling. Real opportunity for dependable. ambitious over Write us past employment and referto Box 7191G, Altoona Mirror. Replies confidential. 11----14 MAN WITH CAR Good opportunity, no investment.

good references. Full or part-time. Write Box 7127G care Altoona Mirror. 12 Wanted Women 12-20 CHRISTMAS TOY Party Demonstrators--Earn $100 weekly. No experience necessary.

Best toy selections. Guaranteed delivery. Write to Toy Ladies, 637 Penn avenue, Johnstown, Pa. 12--07-02 WOMEN TO demonstrate beautiful Arnel lingerie, dresses. blouses and children's wear.

Demonstrators earn to $60 commission weekly for 3 demonstrations. No delivery; free samples, Dial 7923. 12-15 WOMAN FOR light housework in exchange for room and board. Write Box 7179G, Altoona Mirror. 12--17 SALAD MAKER experienced ONLY.

Steady employment. Apply, in person. Personnel Office. Hotel Penn Alto. PLEASE do not phone.

12----14 LADIES Do you need more money? Avon has the answer. If you live in Cambria or Clearfeld counties phone Ebensburg 1247 or write Mrs. V. Mae Rice, 316 East High street. Ebensburg.

for information on openings near your home. 12-19 WANTED-Housckeeper for 2 adults. in apartment. Good wages. Write Box 7188G, Altoona Mirror.

12---14 LADIES Show beautiful ceramics by appointment. Earn 560 for 20 hours weekly. Car necessary. Complete training. Call 5-3051 between 10-12 a.m.

for appointment. 12-20 WOMAN OVER. 17 for cigar counter. Apply in person. United Cigar store, 11th avenue, 12th street.

12-17 Women Sell toys in 1957. No delivering. no collecting, Green Stamps given, We train you. For information on our full line of toys write Variety Parties, Box 7186G. Altoona Mirror.

12-----17 13--15 SPLENDID SPARE TIME OPPORTUNITY as Wholesale Distributor Representative (man or woman) to service established dealers, and open new accounts. Excellent earnings! No investment required. 43 year old AAA-1 Manufacturer. Applicant should have about 20 hours per week available. Wife can help.

Telephone and small home storage space required. Car a necessity. Give full details in first letter. Write Box 7185G, Altoona Mirror. RELIABLE WOMAN for days work.

2 or 3 days a week. Modern Sylvan Hill home. Reference required. Dial 5-1063. 12---21 WAITRESS WANTED Experienced preferred.

Must be 21 or over. Call for interview. Mu 4-9940. The Villa Restaurant, Tyrone. 12-21 WOMAN FOR general housework.

3. or 4 mornings week. Ninth Ward. Write P.O. Box 247, giving details of self.

12-21 WOMAN WANTED -Evening work. Excellent salary. Must have piano background. For interview write Box 4237-F. Altoona Mirror.

13 Wanted Men and Women 13-17 OFFICE MANAGER. accountant. capable of assuming responsibilities. medium size office, and warehouse of industrial supplies in N.E. Ohio city.

Various duties must know pricing, typing. bookkeeping. payroll work, purchasing. Take phone orders and be fairly familiar with office. shipping.

receiving procedures. A job with a future. Send references, and salary desired to Box 7182G, Altoona Mirror. 13----14 CHRISTMAS TOY Party Demonstrator-Earn big money as "Santa's Helpers" demonstrating toys at house parties. No investment.

No experience necessary, we train vou. Car necessary. Dial Johnstown 35-1103 or write "Santa's 1822 Sunshine avenue, Johnstown. 13--15 13-20 MEN AND WOMEN EARN UP TO $100 WEEKLY IN TOUR SPARE TIME ON STOCK CONTROL DISTRIBUTION WORK. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY.

CAR REQUIRED. THE LEWIS STORE, 1423 11th AVENUE. 16 Positions Wanted Men 16--15 VETERAN DESIRES WORK Must be steady. Experienced tractor and trailer driver. Phone 2-6501.

17 Positions Wanted Women 17-20 EXPERIENCED PRACTICAL nurse desires position 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. References given. Phone Bellwood 8597. 17---17 sires EXPERIENCED typing and clerical STENOGRAPHER work to do deat home.

Phone 3-1904. 17-21 EXPERIENCED LEGAL SECRETARY desires vacation or part-time work. Phone 2-4888. 18 Help Instruction 18-06-17 INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS Over 300 courses. Write or phone for free catalog.

Rep. R. F. Irwin, Box 92, Altoona. Phone 3-0679.

18----14 XX AIRLINES NEED men and women. over 18. for interesting Aight, ground and office positions. Good pay with fringe benefits and excellent advancement opportunities in fast growing for industry, coast to coast. Quality expert training developed by Untversal Airlines Personnel School, Miami.

Fla. Send name. address and phone number to area office: 816 Washington Williamsport, Pa. 19 Boarding 19-20 ROOM AND BOARD for elderly women. Phone 8504.

20 Rent Rooms 20--07-10 3 COMMUNICATING rooms, Arst noor, sink. Frigidaire. private porch and entrance. 700 Bell avenue. Phone 2-9015.

Mirror 20 Rent Rooms 20----15 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms. Very reasonable. 1601 8th avenue. Utilities furnished, water in rooms. Inquire after 4:30.

20-15 $8.50 Per Week Milner Hotel 1113 13th 9463 20-06-18 LaPiere Hotel Clean single rooms or apartments, moderate rates. 2523 Union Ave. Ph. 3-9370 20--20 FURNISHED SLEEPING ROOM with kitchen privileges. All conveniences.

Also garage. Phone 9952.0 20----21 LOVELY SLEEPING room with kitchen privileges in business woman's apartment. Convenient location. Dial 3-4176. 22 Unfurnished Apartments 22----14 5 ROOMS Private bath on 1st floor.

For information phone 3-8191. 22-06-17 RUPERT APARTMENTS 1912 Union avenue. 4 rooms, bath. All I conveniences. Call 2-7993.

22-17 FIRST FLOOR, 4 rooms and bath. utilities furnished. Inquire 508 6th avenue, Juniata. 22-17 4 rooms and bath, 3rd floor. Near church and school.

Bus at door. $30. Phone 3-6562. Inquire 2134-18th street. 22-18 1501 8th avenue.

5 rooms. bath. private entrances, back porch, 2nd floor. Inquire 1002 4th avenue. 22---18 4 Rooms and Bath Watson's, 1412 12th avenue.

22 -18 206 FIFTH Juniata, 2nd floor. 4 rooms. private bath, $35. Inquire 607 Fifth Altoona or call 3-7565. 22-06-28 SEVILLE APARTMENTS Sylvan Hills.

Four rooms, private bath, laundry. Thoroughly cleaned, decorated. Dial 5-9763. 22. -18 111 6th avenue.

duplex 1st and 2nd floors, $45 month. Heat. cold, water furnished. Apply Market Basket, 230 5th avenue. 22--18.

HOLLIDAYSBURG Modern apartment on Penn street. rooms. private bath. Suitable adults. Dial 5-0348.

22-----19 B. OF R. T. building. 4 rooms and bath.

Heat and hot-water furnished. Phone 7461, 5 to 6 p.m. 22- -19 2nd FLOOR, corner location; four or six rooms. private bath. private entrance: Modern plumbing.

Heat, gas and water furnished. Call 9324. 22---18 2901 Maple Avenue, 2nd floor, rooms. bath $55 802 17th Street. 5 rooms and bath, Adults, nicely decorated 2215 Broad Avenue, 3rd floor, 6 rooms, bath $53 2108 Beale Avenue, 3rd floor, 3 rooms, bath 2105 Union Avenue, 2nd floor, 4 rooms, bath 2109 Union Avenue, 3 rooms, and bath $26 1308 12th Avenue, 4 rooms and bath $40 1004 Chestnut Avenue.

3rd floor, 4 rooms. bath $38 1515 12th Street, 3rd floor, 5 rooms, bath. $50 1533 4th Street. 2nd floor, 5 rooms. bath 1206 14th Street, 1st floor.

2 rooms, bath. stove furnished 606 4th Street, 4th floor, 2 rooms, bath 2003 11th Street, 2nd floor, 4 rooms, bath. Adults JOHN HILL REAL ESTATE 1308. 12th AVENUE Phone 9377 22---19 2nd FLOOR. 3 rooms, bath.

bardwood floors. 2608 Broad avenue. Inquire 2922 4th avenue. Phone 3-8794. 22- -19 2400 BROAD AVENUE 1st floor.

3 rooms and bath. large basem*nt. stationary tubs, automatic hotwater heat. Not suitable for children or pets. Immediate possession.

Rent $52.50. Dial 3-4801. 22-19 4 rooms and bath, private. 92-5326. '102 HOWARD A AVENUE 22-19 HOLLIDAYSBURG-605 Jones street, 2nd floor apartment.

Private entrance. Inquire on premises or phone 5-0579. 22--14 5-ROOM APARTMENT. 2nd floor. Hardwood floors, private bath and entrance.

Inquire 1307 7th avenue. 22-----20 1319 13th ST. rooms, private bath. Inquire 702 12th St. Ph's.

6386-5-1063. 22---15 3 ROOMS, powder room. 1st floor, prirate entrance, No children. 921 1st avenue. Phone 2-3522.

22-20 CHEERFUL 1st floor apartment. 3 rooms and bath. Everything private. Dial 2-2189 after 4 p. m.

22 -20 2221 BROAD avenue. 1st. floor. 5 rooms, sunporch, bath. Heat, water furnished.

Use of laundry, Inquire 2223 Broad avenue. 22-21 THREE-ROOM AND bath. all conveniences, 1st floor. 5 rooms and bath. all conveniences, second floor.

2601 Walnut avenue. Inquire within. 22--21 1205 7th avenue. rear. 4 rooms.

bath. In good condition. Heat. water furnished. Rent.

$30. Adults preferred. Phone 8022 after 6 p.m. 22--21 2331 BROAD arenue. 2nd floor.

4 rooms and bath, newly redecorated. heat and water furnished. $40. Phone 2-0467. 22-21 1st FLOOR, 3 rooms.

bath, shower. porch. very private. 1 or 2 adults. 2936 Walnut arenue.

22--21 1410 2nd rooms. private bath. $22 625 5th Juniata 3rd floor. 3 rooms. private bath, $35.

Includes all utilities. 1713 J3th ST -3rd floor, 2 rooms, $35. Includes utilities. 714 4th JUNIATA 2nd floor, 5 rooms, private bath, $35. 1905 11th rooms, private bath, 2nd floor rear.

1120 TWELFTH AVE. 3-8191 PARSONS AGENCIAL 2221 DUPLEX. 1st FLOOR-4 large rooms and private bath. All utilities furnished. Weller Farm, Canoe Creek, Route 22.

Call 3-6580. 22---21 1604 3rd rooms down, bedroom and sewing room up, bath, shower, private entrance. $23. Dial 3-7635. 23 Furnished Apartments 23-14 FIRST FLOOR studio apartment, private entrance.

all utilities included, 1 employed lady. Call 2-8223. 23----18 310 SIXTH avenue, 1st floor, private, 4. rooms. Inquire 711 Sixth avenue.

Phone 2-6941. 23-19 4-ROOM APARTMENT. 3rd floor. Everything furnished. Inquire 1714 6th avenue.

23--07--13 1219 8th avenue. 2nd Boor. 2 rooms. Reasonable rent. Call 3-1223 for appointment.

23--18 800 24th Street, 3 rooms. bath 2125 7th Avenue. 3 rooms, bath JOHN HILL REAL ESTATE 1308 12th AVENUE Phone 9377 23-----14 FURNISHED Light housekeeping rooms. Also apartments. New management.

Inquire 912 Sth avenue. 23-21 100 4th First Floor. 3 rooms, bath. 1301 7th corner. 2nd floor, 3 rooms.

private bath. Both hot water heat and nicely furnished. Inquire 702 12th St. 6386-5-1063 23----21 3 NICELY FURNISHED rooms. all utilities.

Semi-private bath. Must be seen to be appreciated. 1600 Walton Avenue. 24 Rent Houses 24-19 6-ROOM SUBURBAN house near Hollidaysburg. immedia te possession.

Floyd Baker, R. D. 2. Duncansville. Phone 5-3418.

24--15 DESIRABLE COUNTRY home, 8 rooms, heat and bath, on Route 26. Reasonable rent. Phone Saxton 5-3157. 24---20 LEAVING TOWN. 6 rooms and bath.

reception hall, patio. 3816 West Chestnut avenue. Phone 3-7575. 24-07-12 1114 4th AVENUE 5 rooms, $25. For appointment dial 9029.

24-21 6 ROOMS And bath. 1016 Seventh Avenue. Inquire 1014 Seventh Avenue. 27 Rent Garages 27----15 1-CAR GARAGE space in 3-car garage. 1104 13th avenue, rear.

Call 5-2752. 28 Rent Cottages 28-06-19 COTTAGES ALONG Rayatown branch near Entriken, Pa. Completely furnished: electric refrigerator and gas for co*cking. some with modern conveniences. Call 44-R-31 Marklesburk.

or write James F. Entriken. Entriken, Pa, 28--18 COLONIAL BEACH, Virginia. Bungalow, like. furnished, screened porch, home200 feet from beach, all modern conveniences.

Swimming, fishing. Call Altoona 7077. 28-06-26 VILLAGE ON THE RAYSTOWN Furnished cottages directly on Raystown dam for rent season. week, week-end: 4 sizes and rents to choose from. Cabins available with 4 rooms.

electric refrigerators. inside toilets. Also available with shower and hot water. Recreation includes swimming. boating.

dancing. etc. Reservations and circulars at the Book and Record Shops, 1128 11th Ave. or 310 Union Ave. -4-0931 in or call 3-4190 till 5:30 p.m.- after 5:30 p.m.

LONELY ACRES SUMMER RESORT. R.t. 219 between Ebensburg-Carrolltown. Furnished cottages, fireplace, choice of bath. Land and water sports.

Gas. electricity. TV. ponies, store. Residence We defy all competition.

Circular, Irvin Springer. Carrolltown, Pa. Phone Fireside 4-8189. 28---17 COTTAGE along Raystown river. All conveniences.

Call 2-9318. 30 Rent Miscellaneous 30-20 FURNISHED TRAILER at Bellwood Intersection. Phone 3-0757 after 4 p.m. 30-14 STOREROOM, 703-12th street. formerly Crist's Barber shop.

Apply Dean Shaw, Realtor or H. Papadeas, 5138 Locust street, Philadelphia, Pa. 30-21 STOREROOM Are. Large corner room and basem*nt. Gas heat.

Suitable any type business, $50. PARSONS AGENCY 1120 TWELFTH AVE. DIAL 3-6181 32 Wanted to Rent 32--18 WIDOW DESIRES 2 OR 3 unfurnished rooms on first floor. Best reference. Dial 2-0314.

32--14 RELIABLE LADY desires 3-room furnished apartment with private bath. Write Box 7175G. Altoona Mirror. 32----14 3 ROOMS. 2nd floor apartment for young working couple, reasonable rent.

desirable location. Phone 4-0604 after 5 p.m.• 32--18 MIRROR EMPLOYEE -family of four would like nice 2-bedroom home or unfurnished apartment. Juniata Gap, Fairview. or Juniata district preferred. Best.

reference. Dial 3-6306. 32. -21 WANTED BY retired teacher( woman). 2 unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping.

in private home. State rent. Reply Box 7192G. Altoona Mirror. 33 Bargain Counter 33-06-17 ELECTRIC MEAT saw, slicer, tenderizer.

grinder, meat cases, chicken picker. Fred Jones, 3901 5th avenue. Phone 2-4917. 33-06-21 Buy-Sell at Herman's 326 6th Avenue. Dial 2-7322.

Used furniture. washers, stoves, etc. 33-06-21 USED TV SETS GEORGE'S TV 508 South Kettle St. 3-4536 33-07-05 NEW SPINET pianos and "'Hammond" organs. Swartz Piano 1620 11th Avenue.

Phone 3-8864. 33-19 ANTIQUES An enormous collection of beautiful antiques. Silver, China, Pattern Glass. Objects of Art, Rare and Reasonable. Llyswen Antique Shop 221 Aldrich Ave.

Phone 2-3833 33-06-15 40-LB. TIN gutter down spout, elbows and fittings. Furnace elbows. fittings and registers. Below wholesale.

David Labriola. Phone 7063. 33-07-08 Sipes TV Appliance epairs Prompt--Reasonable Efficient Phone 6491 911 22nd Altoona, Pa. 33--14 Why Pay More? BETTER PAINTS FOR LESS. OUR QUALITY CAN'T BE BEAT.

$1.79 up per gal. M. B. Sales 305 S. Juniata Hollidaysburg, Pa.

Open 1 to 9-Phone 5-3359 Best buys in new and used merchandise. COLDSPOT REFRIGERATOR Small gas range. Call 2-5902. New Electric Motors USED MOTORS RADIO CONTROLLED GARAGE DOOR OPENERS Force Electric, Inc. 1814 Union Avenue Phone 2-0978 33--15 PIANOS ORGANS NEW USED TERMS FORD MUSIC STORE 913 Chestnut Altoona.

Ph. 3-8520 33-06-28 SPECIAL PRICES on all teeth. See Dr. S. M.

Adams, Roaring Spring, Phone 128-M. 33--17 DINETTE SET. like new, $80: single. double beds, complete; other furniture. 2826 4th avenue, 2nd floor.

No phone calls. 33----17 Tappan Gas Range Like new, $60. 2-3148. 33---18 TABLE-TOP GAS RANGE 26" white porcelain. Good condition, $25.

Dial 3-7827. 33-----18 COAT ROOM OR DOOR PRIZE CHECKS Numbered consecutively from 1 to 250 Checks $1.75 500 Checks $2.50 2500 Checks $6.00 MIRROR JOB DEPARTMENT 33---15 APARTMENT 4-BURNER, white gas range with "Robertshaw" oven control. also fireplace type heating stove, burns coal or wood. Ideal for cottage or small building. Inquire 1016 21st avenue.

33--15 Foot Lockers $8.95 up House Paint, Porch Enamel. $2.19 gal. Sleeping Bags $7.95 up Foam Rubber 72 to 4" Thickness Empire Surplus Store Opp. Bell Phone Bldg. 1110 16th St.

STOP! in to see our complete line of porch furniture and rugs, Bender Electric 96 Logan Boulevard Phone 9311 33----15 "G-E" 8 cu. ft. Refrigerator, top unit 525.00 New 10 Electric Antenna Fans $4.50 No. 6 TV Antenna $7.50 All Wave TV Antenna $15 value TV Lead-in Wire ft. 2c TV Accessories and Supplies Wringer Rolls for Any Washer SPENCE ELECTRIC WHITE Sewing Machines Free home trials.

No down payment. As low 88 $69.50 GABLE'S Exclusive White Dealer in Altoona since 1927 Phone 3-6121 33-19 KOL-MORGAN TELESCOPE, sight, six power. Phone 5-9043 6 p.m. 33- -15 SEED POTATOES. Have 2 tons good 6-size potatoes grown from certified.

It you have the land to plant them. we will accept B-size potatoes in Fall. pound per pound for the seed. Plant whatever you can. Cobblers, few Chippewas.

June is not ton late to plant. Hileman'a Market, 409 E. Plank Road. YOU'LL DO even better with your Classified Wantad. 11 you ask one of our trained Ad-viners for suggestions: Dial 7171..

Altoona Mirror from Altoona, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.