Why You Should Soak & Sprout Nuts (Plus a Sprouted Almond Milk Recipe) • Bare Root Girl (2024)

Why You Should Soak & Sprout Nuts (Plus a Sprouted Almond Milk Recipe) • Bare Root Girl (1)

by Angela Gallardoin , , Recipes


Why You Should Soak & Sprout Nuts (Plus a Sprouted Almond Milk Recipe) • Bare Root Girl (2)

Why You Should Soak & Sprout Nuts (Plus a Sprouted Almond Milk Recipe) • Bare Root Girl (3)

Why You Should Soak & Sprout Nuts (Plus a Sprouted Almond Milk Recipe) • Bare Root Girl (4)

Why You Should Soak & Sprout Nuts (Plus a Sprouted Almond Milk Recipe) • Bare Root Girl (5)

Why You Should Soak & Sprout Nuts (Plus a Sprouted Almond Milk Recipe) • Bare Root Girl (6)

Why You Should Soak & Sprout Nuts (Plus a Sprouted Almond Milk Recipe) • Bare Root Girl (7)

Although not yet Paleo, I made the decision in 2005 to give up most forms of conventionally-raised dairy. I didn’t have much knowledge or access to raw dairy at that point so I made do without it (for the most part). One way I went about this was via store-bought dairy-free milks. I was smart enough to avoid soy butwent back and forth between rice and almond milk. As I’m sure you’re aware, these weren’t too much healthier than eating true dairy due to the (sometimes hydrogenated) vegetable oils, various GMO ingredients, and emulsifying gums.

Around 2011I got the cajones to try making my own. I definitely found it daunting at first. And I’ve seen the same thing in a lot if friends who try to eliminate dairy. They continue to rely on store-bought nut milks because it seems too tough to do otherwise. And though the ingredients in most store-bought options have slimmed down and been (somewhat) cleaned up, making your own is by-and-large always the best way to go.

So while I speak of not being intimidated by making your own, I’m here today to add a few extra steps to the homemade process. (My brain, I know… I don’t get it either.) I’ve included directions for a simplified (non-sprouted) version below so if you are new, please feel free to go that route. And once you’vedone a little time with that, I hope you’ll try your hand at growing some little almond sprouts.

I’ve sprouted seeds and beans before but almonds seemed to be a different ball game. They go a bit slower and it can be harder to tell that you’re on the right track. And what I found that made it even more difficult is in what almonds you’ve chosen to do your sprouting with. Almond buyingwasnot something I’ve previouslyprioritized as organic. Sometimes from the bulk bins are Sprouts but more often than not from Costco. Kirkland brand makes no claims to organic, non-GMO or anything of the like. But I ate them so intermittently that I just hadn’t cared to find another option.

Well after two failed sprouting attempts with my Kirkland almonds (3 days and no sprouting, only a smelly, moldy mess!), I thought I should start investigating. What I found is that as of 2007, the USDA mandated that all almonds be pasteurized to prevent salmonella (there was an outbreak and some deaths that tied back to almonds). What’s worse is that while almonds can be steam pasteurized, many companies do not use this option. Because it’s quicker and simpler, they choose to fumigate the almonds with propylene oxide gas (POP). POP is a know genotoxin (gene-disrupting)and carcinogen (cancer-causing), yet that doesn’t stop the USDA from allowing it.

More times than not, the pasteurization process will yield almonds un-sproutable, due to killing off the enzymes needed for the nuts to naturally “reproduce.” Even if you think you are buying raw almonds, you may not be. There is no regulation stopping companies who pasteurize from claiming “raw” on the package as long as they are not roasted. While they don’t claim to be raw, Costco has stated they use POP. Probably the cause of my failed sprouting attempts.Detoxinista has a good list of where to get almonds here. I took her advice and scoured Amazon for a new brand. I found some made my Terrasoulthat are organic andunpasteurized and statein the title that they are “sproutable.” I already use their pureVanilla Bean Powderand it’s AMAZING so I felt I could trust them.

Why Sprout Your Nuts?

Sprouting is a simple process of saturating with saltwater and allowing the perfect conditions for growing. Since making almond milk already requires soaking, you are halfway there with just that step. All nuts, seeds, grains, and legumescontain significant levels of phytic acid, which acts as a natural protectant until they are ready for fertilization. Although phytic acid is a naturally occurring substance, it acts as a strong chelator (binder) to many nutrients, particularly zinc, calcium, and iron. This means that when you consume any nuts with phytic acid present, nutrients will be pulled out rather than used by your body. Soaking is an essential step to help neutralize the phytic acid and also increase the natural enzymes present to aid in sprouting.

Soaking plus sprouting ensures you are eating a LIVE food. According to Sally Fallon, author of Nourishing Traditions, sprouting can increase enzyme activity up to 6x what soaking does. People who note difficulty digesting nuts, cramping, bloating, etc, may simply be consuming unsoaked/unsprouted nuts that have phytic acid and enzyme inhibitors present. Soaking and sproutingallows for an easier digestive process due to greater enzymatic activity. The benefits of soaking/sprouting almonds are well-worth it.Personally I have found a dramatic difference in digesting them if I take them time to do it.

It’s Not Hard

Soaking, in and of itself, is not difficult —it just takes a bit of patience. And if you can handle soaking, you can handle sprouting. It’s simply a matter of a bit more babysitting. Have a job you’re at all day? Bring your nuts to work and set them in a window!

I highly recommend a sprout screen. It’s a cheap investment that really cleans up the process. I’ve seen them at many health food stores but you can also get one here. Otherwise, it’s just basic bowls and colanders needed plus a warm, even sunny, spot to let it rest. Questions —please ask!

Sprouted Almond Milk

Yields: 4 cups

1 c. unpasteurized almonds

large pinch of sea salt

filtered water for soaking


3 ½ c. filtered water

1 Tbsp. honey or maple syrup (optional,can sub 1-2 dates)

1 tsp. vanilla extract

¼ tsp. sea salt


glass wide-mouth quart jar

smallstraineror colander

small bowl that fits the strainer

sprouting screen (can sub a tea towel)

large colander

large bowl that fits the colander

tea towel


Step 1: Place the almonds in the glass quart jar with a large pinch of sea salt andenough filtered water to completely submerge them. Cover with a sprouting screen and soak overnight, or a minimum 8 hours. Rinse the nuts and add another large pinch of sea salt and enough water to cover. Soak for another 8-12 hours. Then drain the water and rinse them well again. (If you won’t be sprouting your almonds,skip to step 3.)

Step 2: Place a small strainer inside a small bowl. Invert the jar of almonds into the strainer and place in a warm spot in the kitchen. Leave inverted for 24-48 hours for sprouting. Every 4-6 hours, rinse the almonds and place it back in the small strainer (letting it go 8 hours while you sleep is fine but try to rinse more often during the day). Rinsing less often can possibly cause bits of mildew to start growing. The almonds shown here were sprouted for 48 hours. You can tell they’ve sprouted due to the cracking in the shell/skin — from the stem trying to work its way out —and when you peel back the skin, you can see the stem peeking out from the top.

(You can optionally eat them right now, as is. Or use them in recipes, like here and here. Or keep going for plain almond milk.)

Step 3: Once they’ve finished sprouting, give them another good rinse. Peel the almonds if you want (see notebelow). Then place the almonds in a blender with the 3 ½ c. filtered water and blend on high for 1-2 minutes. Place alarge colander inside a large bowl and line the colander with a tea towel. Pour the almond milk into the tea towel to strain out the pulp (see image above). After it’s strained most of the liquid through, gather the edges of the tea towel and twist the towel tight around the pulp. Squeeze as much of the remaining almond milk out into the bowl as your forearms can muster.

Step 4: Pour the almond milk back into the blender and add the honey (if using), vanilla extract, and sea salt. Blend for 10-15 seconds to incorporate. Pour the finished milk into a clean glass quart jar and store in the refrigerator for up to a week. The milk will naturally separate in the fridge, simply shake it again before drinking.

*Noteon peeling the almonds: you may be wondering why I’d peel the almonds when many nutrients can be found in the skin? I often peel them to yielda finer blended pulp, which allows for easier dehydrating and grinding for homemade almond flour (you can see how white and clean the pulpis in the picture above).

I dehydrate the almond pulp in the oven on 175F for 1-2 hours, depending on the volume. Then grind it up in the blender andstore it in a sealed container.When I leave the skins on, it’s tougher to get as fine a grind as you need for most almond flour baking recipes. If you don’t plan to dehydrate the pulp (using it for recipes like this or this), don’t worry about peeling the skins.

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  1. Why You Should Soak & Sprout Nuts (Plus a Sprouted Almond Milk Recipe) • Bare Root Girl (8)Renee says:

    March 31, 2018 at 11:19 pm

    You are dehydrating at too high a temp, that high kills the enzymes you worked so hard to support.


    1. April 2, 2018 at 12:15 am

      When I dehydrate the pulp, I do so with the intent to use it in baking, so it doesn’t matter the temp it’s dehydrated. If I use the pulp for a raw treat of some sort, I don’t dehydrate.


  2. Why You Should Soak & Sprout Nuts (Plus a Sprouted Almond Milk Recipe) • Bare Root Girl (10)Dana says:

    April 16, 2018 at 11:11 am

    May i ask/know what weather temperature conditions are your almond nuts sprouted in? thanks


    1. April 17, 2018 at 7:00 am

      Hey Dana! Sprouting works best if the nuts aren’t too warm or too cold, ideally indoors between 65-75F.

  3. Why You Should Soak & Sprout Nuts (Plus a Sprouted Almond Milk Recipe) • Bare Root Girl (12)Demi says:

    May 1, 2018 at 12:27 pm

    My almonds had a smell to them after soaking and sprouting. Is this normal? Thank you!

    And great recipe!! So thank you for sharing


    1. May 8, 2018 at 11:52 pm

      Yes, it should have a bright smell, slightly sour but not moldy smelling.


  4. Why You Should Soak & Sprout Nuts (Plus a Sprouted Almond Milk Recipe) • Bare Root Girl (14)Victoria says:

    June 11, 2018 at 4:24 am

    Why use salt in the sprouting?


    1. July 9, 2018 at 1:18 am

      Hey Victoria, sorry for the delay! The salt helps to activate the live enzymes in the almonds!


  5. Why You Should Soak & Sprout Nuts (Plus a Sprouted Almond Milk Recipe) • Bare Root Girl (16)Laurel Fitzhugh says:

    June 28, 2018 at 7:22 am

    Why do you add the salt? I thought the salt would kill the sprouts.


    1. July 9, 2018 at 1:16 am

      The salt actually helps to activate the live enzymes in the almonds!


  6. Why You Should Soak & Sprout Nuts (Plus a Sprouted Almond Milk Recipe) • Bare Root Girl (18)james williams says:

    July 19, 2018 at 3:20 am

    I like to soak lentils for dahl and they always sprout… If you blend them they make milk, but also stick to pan, need cast iron, or blend after. Anyhow, costco, the red white and blue, hypermart, fedmart…who else will rationalize the despot. Maybe I need to watch le miserab again, not the hollywood movie, as almonds are from cali, and cali is the Mormon stronghold, if you believe in westward expansion. Eff the proud boys… POP my almonds! Cheeky bastards. Even GA3 solution won’t revive those suckers… Well, I’m Vati constitution and all nuts are good for me, save peanuts.


  7. Why You Should Soak & Sprout Nuts (Plus a Sprouted Almond Milk Recipe) • Bare Root Girl (19)Hana says:

    September 6, 2018 at 3:33 pm

    Hi Angela,

    Thanks for sharing this! If I want to sprout and store the almonds, do you recommend to dry them out in the oven and keep refrigerated or at room temp? Do you know how long would I be able to store them? Thank you 🙂


    1. September 28, 2018 at 4:34 am

      Hey Hana, sorry for the delay! After sprouting, you can dehydrate them but I wouldn’t recommend any heat higher than 200F. They’ll be crispier that way. But you could also store in the fridge right after sprouting, though they won’t keep as long that way.


  8. Why You Should Soak & Sprout Nuts (Plus a Sprouted Almond Milk Recipe) • Bare Root Girl (21)Marguerite Boler says:

    September 22, 2018 at 3:36 am

    Do you sprout nuts you aren’t using for milk? In that case, what’s your technique for a dry out process?


    1. September 28, 2018 at 4:31 am

      Hey Marguerite, Instructions for dehydrating are at the very bottom of the instructions. The time needed will be a bit greater if you haven’t ground the almonds down but will vary based on the volume and how spread out the nuts are on your trays.


  9. Why You Should Soak & Sprout Nuts (Plus a Sprouted Almond Milk Recipe) • Bare Root Girl (23)Aaron Miller says:

    October 15, 2018 at 12:49 pm

    Hi, I came here from your negative review of the TerraSoul almonds. What truly raw almonds would you now recommend? Thanks.


    1. October 24, 2018 at 4:16 am

      Hey Aaron, I’m confused. I state explicitly in this post that I recommend the Terrasoul brand for sprouting.


  10. Why You Should Soak & Sprout Nuts (Plus a Sprouted Almond Milk Recipe) • Bare Root Girl (25)Kemal says:

    October 15, 2018 at 1:53 pm

    Can I sprout them for three days and slowly roast them for 8 hours (as I learned from JJ Virgin, celebrity nutritionist), or is it wrong to roast amonds after I let them sprout for three days?


    1. October 24, 2018 at 4:14 am

      Hey Kemal, you wouldn’t want to “roast” above about 200F or you’ll be killing the good nutrients created by the sprouting process. I like to use a dehydrator for this part of the process or you could also just set your oven on warm for however long it takes to dry them out.


  11. Why You Should Soak & Sprout Nuts (Plus a Sprouted Almond Milk Recipe) • Bare Root Girl (27)Lenore Hocking says:

    October 22, 2018 at 7:49 am

    What about using Apple Cider Vinegar instead of Salt. When soaking? I didn’t realize after the first soak, that you needed to do another 8hrs. Of soaking, I will give that a try next time. Thank You, Lenore


    1. October 24, 2018 at 4:13 am

      Hey Lenore, I’ve never heard of anyone using ACV instead of salt. If you try it, let me know how it goes.


  12. Why You Should Soak & Sprout Nuts (Plus a Sprouted Almond Milk Recipe) • Bare Root Girl (29)Danielle Kuhn says:

    March 1, 2019 at 10:05 pm

    I’ve always had success in sprouting Kirkland almonds, however I don’t use salt in the soaking process.


  13. Why You Should Soak & Sprout Nuts (Plus a Sprouted Almond Milk Recipe) • Bare Root Girl (30)Joshua Stolaroff says:

    March 2, 2019 at 10:38 pm

    Ms. Gallardo… I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your replies and reading this blog… I am amazed…and disappointed. I just went out and bought a huge bag of Kirkland Almonds and am now afraid to eat them. I went to Amazon and they are out of what you recommended. Anyway, I went to the local grocery store and bought some “raw” almonds in bulk and have them on the counter in a bowl of salt water right now… going to see what happens. If they soak and don’t smell rancid, I will assume that they are not treated with PPO?? Thanks for the heads up on the Costco brand. Keep up the great work! Don’t think I will have the time to spout this weekend, but will definitely soak! If I do have time to try to spout, and they don’t sprout, will that most defiantly mean PPO was used?


  14. April 10, 2019 at 4:13 am

    Used “raw” almonds from Winco, almost none of them sprouted after about 60 hours but the milk still tastes great. Any idea what the nutritional info for a cup of this milk might be? Ie. fat, protein, calories?


  15. Why You Should Soak & Sprout Nuts (Plus a Sprouted Almond Milk Recipe) • Bare Root Girl (32)Laura Ferguson says:

    August 2, 2019 at 1:16 am

    I recently bought a 2 pound bag of Terrasoul almonds for sprouting, as they are the only nuts I can eat on the Body Ecology Diet and they must be sprouted.
    I do not foresee myself eating this bag of almonds very quickly, so to keep them from going rancid I would normally freeze them. If I do so will almonds sprout after they’ve been frozen. I would think so as I know you can freeze flower seeds.
    Thanking you in advance. Laura Ferguson


  16. Why You Should Soak & Sprout Nuts (Plus a Sprouted Almond Milk Recipe) • Bare Root Girl (33)Lex Barringer says:

    September 7, 2019 at 11:25 pm

    Using sodium hydrochloride (table salt or sea salt) is best but you need to make sure that when you soak these almonds or any nuts or fruit that you do so with good water, not out of the tap from the city, too many contaminants are in that tap water.

    ACV, is just another form of acetic acid, and it has a different function. Salts from acetic acid, known as acetates are anti-microbial by nature but it can also affect germination of certain kinds of seeds, nuts and fruits.

    My recommendation is to use Angela’s method and to have an organic top self motherless apple cider vinegar (or one of your choosing, as long as it’s organic), at a teaspoon of that in, as well.

    Putting the nuts in the oven, isn’t that good of an idea. Depends on the oven technology, they vary from 150 ~ 200 degree Fahrenheit. Anything above 130 degrees Fahrenheit and it will start to destroy the vital nutrients, using a good quality dehydrator is best and store them in dark non transparent plexiglass or glass jars, to keep the nuts dry and fresh. Avoid using the color blue or violet/purple if the jar is translucent that allows some light to pass, that can aid in accelerating regeneration and in some cases spoilage, too.


  17. Why You Should Soak & Sprout Nuts (Plus a Sprouted Almond Milk Recipe) • Bare Root Girl (34)Debra says:

    May 4, 2020 at 12:35 am

    Thank you for your very informative information. Now I am waiting for my order of raw, steamed almonds from “Wild Soil” which claims superb almonds, so hopefully true to their claim.


  18. Why You Should Soak & Sprout Nuts (Plus a Sprouted Almond Milk Recipe) • Bare Root Girl (35)Icabod says:

    August 12, 2020 at 10:18 pm

    I understand that it’s best soak the almonds in non-chlorinated filtered water? Can you rinse the almonds with regular water from the faucet?


  19. Why You Should Soak & Sprout Nuts (Plus a Sprouted Almond Milk Recipe) • Bare Root Girl (36)Marsha says:

    October 26, 2020 at 11:05 am

    After sprouting do I need to dehydrate the almond before making nut butter?
    Also what is your preferred method for fine ground almond flour?


    1. October 29, 2020 at 8:30 am

      Hi Marsha,
      Yes, you’ll want to fully dehydrate the almonds before making nut butter. Make sure to use a very low temp. As for ground almond flour, check the very last paragraph in the directions here for my method. Good luck!


  20. Why You Should Soak & Sprout Nuts (Plus a Sprouted Almond Milk Recipe) • Bare Root Girl (38)JJ Palmer says:

    September 24, 2021 at 3:54 am

    Does sunlight effect the sprouting process?


  21. Why You Should Soak & Sprout Nuts (Plus a Sprouted Almond Milk Recipe) • Bare Root Girl (39)mary jordan says:

    February 8, 2022 at 4:26 am

    So interesting! i’m just learning about sprouting, and loving this site! i’m curious if the same comments apply to the Kirkland organic almonds, or are you talking about the conventional Kirkland brand of almonds? Thank you!


    1. Why You Should Soak & Sprout Nuts (Plus a Sprouted Almond Milk Recipe) • Bare Root Girl (40)Rebecca Ratliff says:

      February 9, 2022 at 6:14 am

      Nope, you should be fine with the organic option that they now offer. 🙂


  22. Why You Should Soak & Sprout Nuts (Plus a Sprouted Almond Milk Recipe) • Bare Root Girl (41)Kia says:

    May 8, 2022 at 10:06 pm

    Question: if you buy sprouted almonds, that have been dehydrated, can you soak those & make milk?
    (saw the links provided via your link to the detoxinista- one site sells sprouted nuts)
    So thankful to have come across your site. Transitioning into this lifestyle would be so intimidating if it weren’t for people like you sharing information. 😄


    1. June 24, 2022 at 3:31 am

      I apologize for the delay, Kia. But yes, you can definitely just find sprouted almonds and then soak & blend to make milk with them!


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Why You Should Soak & Sprout Nuts (Plus a Sprouted Almond Milk Recipe) • Bare Root Girl (2024)


Why You Should Soak & Sprout Nuts (Plus a Sprouted Almond Milk Recipe) • Bare Root Girl? ›

Soaking plus sprouting ensures you are eating a LIVE food.

Why do you have to soak almonds in water before making almond milk? ›

Plan ahead: Raw nuts need to soak for at least 12 hours before blending. This saturates the nut from the inside-out, resulting in a smoother, creamier texture. It also yields more liquid, because fully saturated nuts blend better and leave less "pulp" behind.

Do you need to soak sprouted almonds? ›

Firstly, soaking them in cool water with a pinch of salt in a sealed container overnight is one way. This will make your almonds easier to chew and allow more access to their rich nutrients.

Should you soak nuts before making nut milk? ›

Ideally soak the nuts 1 to 2 days before blending. This helps to soften the nuts so that you get the most of out them. The softer they are the more easily they break down in the blender, which means better milk. If you did not plan ahead, then at least soak the nuts for 2 to 3 hours before blending.

Why soak and sprout nuts? ›

Soaking and sprouting replicates germination, which activates and multiplies nutrients (particularly Vitamins A, B, and C), neutralizes enzyme inhibitors, and promotes the growth of vital digestive enzymes. Soaking and sprouting is very easy.

What happens if you don't soak almonds? ›

The skin of almonds is difficult to digest, and therefore Ayurveda recommends soaking the almonds and peeling the skin to improve the digestibility of almonds. When you eat almonds without soaking and peeling off the skin, it will aggravate Pitta in the blood.

Why is it important to soak almonds? ›

Phytic Acid Reduction: Soaking almonds reduces phytic acid levels, an anti-nutrient that can impede the absorption of essential minerals like calcium, iron, zinc, and magnesium. By soaking, these minerals become more bioavailable, ensuring better absorption.

Does sprouting nuts remove phytic acid? ›

Research indicates that sprouting certain grains and legumes can boost their antioxidants, amino acids, and B vitamins. It's also been shown to reduce antinutrients like phytic acid, which can inhibit the absorption of other important vitamins and minerals ( 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 ).

Are sprouted almonds healthier than regular almonds? ›

The germination process can increase the bioavailability of certain nutrients in almonds, such as vitamin E and magnesium. This means that the body can absorb and use these nutrients more effectively, potentially offering greater health benefits.

How do you remove toxins from almonds? ›

Boiling, roasting, or microwaving bitter almonds may help reduce their toxin content and make them safer to eat.

Why not to soak nuts? ›

On the other hand, soaking walnuts for 12 hours actually decreased the calcium and zinc content (again, by a tiny amount). While soaked peanuts were found to contain slightly higher zinc levels, unsoaked peanuts contained more iron.

Which nuts must be soaked? ›

If you are looking for some easy methods that will lead you to a healthier diet, start soaking the nuts. Nuts like almonds, walnut, peanuts, pecans and pistachio are rich in fiber, vitamin E, magnesium, phosphorous, good fat, and antioxidants," says Dietitian Shikha Kumari, Clinical Dietician & Weight Loss expert.

Why is my homemade almond milk bitter? ›

Soaking roasted nuts brings out their bitterness, and because they're drier to begin with, they yield a gritty milk.

Is soaking the same as sprouting? ›

Soaking: Think of soaking as the initial step before actually sprouting a legume, grain, nut or seed. Many people soak beans before cooking to cut down on cooking time and reduce compounds that may cause gasiness in our digestive systems (although it's not completely necessary, it's definitely recommended).

How to remove phytic acid from almonds? ›

By soaking almonds, you reduce the phytic acid content, making it easier for your body to absorb these vital nutrients. Also, soaking almonds makes them easy to chew, making them easier to digest.

How long to soak and sprout almonds? ›

Cover with water and mix in a few teaspoons of salt (approximately 1-2 tablespoons per quart of water). Soak for 8-12 hours or overnight. Rinse the seeds very well (3-4 times) and drain. Because they are now activated, use immediately or store in airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 1 week.

Should I drink the water in which I soaked almonds? ›

Here are some potential benefits of drinking almond water every day: 1. Rich in nutrients: Almond water is a good source of vitamin E, which is an antioxidant that helps protect cells from damage. It also contains calcium, magnesium, and potassium.

How long should you soak almonds in water? ›

Fully submerge raw almonds in water and let them soak for eight to 12 hours. Then drain the water and lay the almonds on paper towels for an additional 12 hours. Store them in the refrigerator and enjoy for up to a week.

Should you remove the skin from the almonds when making almond milk? ›

After soaking almonds overnight, you'll notice that the almonds will become nice and plump. This makes the almonds softer, which in turn yields smoother milk. Once your almonds have soaked overnight, drain the water and remove the skins.

How do you speed soak almonds? ›

Quick soak the almonds: Add the almonds to a small pot and cover with 3 cups of water. Bring to a boil, then remove from heat and let soak for 15 minutes. Alternatively, you can soak the almonds overnight.


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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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