The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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The Plain Dealeri

Cleveland, Ohio

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CLEVELAND TLAlST DEALER PAGE TWENTY EIGHT CDX CHALLENGES GOV Olen Brad REGISTERED PAT I According estimated the or ana SUIT or TOPCOAT eliminates MACKINAW DOWN 9 pm 8 AULT STE DOWN IS Hoard ft at Work to of sr pfebCo! 643 Euclid 1 1 A ft iwnmwwiyi ClotHes City ore jleam Ashlaud ore Port Colbornef towing i rttw iox 11:10 was had the will 2:15 pin 3 :30 pm I pm 1 :30 pm 2 pm 2:30 pm pm The savings road Is always the best smooth going less worry and the outlook gets better the farther you am am 9 arn 10:00 jrn io AO am lO' 'O am 1 no pm 5:00 pm 5:00 pm pm altogether and bring you really dependable clothes at a aery real saving tr pm pm Neu York Cleveland Detroit A kron oledo Pit tsburg Youngstown Lo tiis ville Cincinnati Columbus St Louis Kansas City MARINE NEWS Aug 26 UP 7:30 am 7 am 00 am am Distinctive Blend Puritans fyia 13c or 2 for 25c Octorara Hazard Ccrolo Denmark Sellwood Sh'Twin STB 00 pm :30 pm :30 pth pm pm pm 12:00 pm 1 20 run 1 45 am 2 am 4 tVi am 1 :30 am am Wi shields a lights and coupe glass re paired while you wait HOME MORTGAGE BUREAU Equitable Life Assurance Society of New York 314 Hippodrome Building telephones: Ontario 2557 Central 2003 Tonnage Coming Out reely and Loading was Heavy Yesterday Start Make the Society your IRST STOP on pay day Why Pay More? We offer you now your unre stricted choice of Suits and Topcoats at just two prices Most of these garments were originally marked and were intended to sell at from $45 to $60 Those prices represented a saving of up to $10 so you can judgejor yourself what a tremendous saving our present 'prices mean The Iarge st and Oldest Savings Bank in Ohio So if really looking for the best buy in this city just naturally conic to method announcement Otto Branstetter execu tive secretary of the party said: "Nothing Is of more importance to the American penpie at this tinrs than a frank and public discussion of the domestic and foreign problems now be fore us" New Hampshire constitutional conven tion in Ifhjo and was a candidate for congress in RThiify 1 Cleveland Window GInes Door Co givw door palnta outh of square New Newest Styles Direct from the Makers Remember that is primarily i manufacturing organization This tr i store is one of eleven outlets for our 9 Shippers and Owners Name Committee to Direct Coal Movement Pargrv It ord imonic Marant Walsh Olcott McIntosh Socialist Candidate Seeks Debate With Democratic Nominee CHICAGO Aug 26 Seymour Sted man Socialist candidate for vice presi dent has challenged Gov James Cox to a joint debate at Minneapolis Sept on the Difference Between the Democratic and Socialist Parties Socialist national headquar ters announced today In making the the reason for our drastic ac tibn regarding present prices Buy Now We are oing to try to hold our prices as at present Right now we know whathey arc and you know these prices cover merchandise made to sell for nearly twice our present quotation WASHINGTON Aug A board general officers headed ly Gen John Pershing ha sstarted work on selecting qualified men to fill 7H00 existing vaj ancios In the commissioned list of the army About 000 suitable appointees will bo available as a result of the July examinations a war department state ment today said and as a result Xf this shortage qua lifted second lieutenants wMI be promoted to first lieutenants as soon as appointin' nts ami promotions under the law are completed leaving the remaining vacancies in the junior grade Sixty former privates arc among the 6B0 membt'rs of the new "plebe" class at West Point comprising the largest number of appointees from the ranks of the armv oxer made to the academy Adjt Gen Harris announced today that graduates of high schools who en listed In the army would be eligible for admission to West Point alter i no year of service Harvester 7:1 Ieonobl 10:1 Huffington 10:30 am It Smith 10:30 Hin lv smith Chas Warner 4mr Stmr Suer Stmr Stmr I stmr I Prop I Prop I Prep Prop Prop Prop same as it was handled in record for shipments old committees that season will direct the vessel men take their share of 11 IcGean John Thomson will repre Pahlow Ifabtead i inn Cort Marcia Assiniboia Cigniis I Hall IM' GEOBGK CALLAHAN Coal will be sent forward from now on about the JIMS when a made The charge that movement and all bo called upon to the wild coal Kelly and A AV sent the vessel owners and I I Ken nedy James Woods and ore paugh the shippers The movement will not be as heavy as it was in I'JIS but a steady increase is looked for Tonnage came out more freely yes terday and boats were named for about all early loading cargoes the line up loading was the heaviest of me season ns it docks would dump 4125 cars The fleet loaded 3Ht cars Wednesday and re ceipts were 3255 cars The railroads had 10590 cars at the lake front Thurs day morning and 476'1 cars in transit Small carriers are pretty scarce and shippers to lower lake ports are bidding rates up to get boats of that class Charters from Ohio ports to Montreal were made this week at a ton which is an advance of about $1 a ton over the contract rates Ore shipments to the interior fur naces for Wednesday were 4 mil cars which is an increase over the same day in 1919 when the mevemont was 3013 cars The docks unloaded twenty six cargoes Wednesday and yesterday morning fifty four vessels were on the waiting list which vas a cut of ten in twenty four hours Ore carriers are not spending as much time in port as they did early in the month but there was quite a let up in the car supply at ports yesteniay some ore was WASHINGTON Aug We sell direct to the wearer onl our profit is figured on the cost of manufacturing the usual retailers charge for profit and not included in our price to you ble Snyder A lloRera Morgan Linn Uranus iiokh oil Cleared: It Stone Newbold Townsend Grand Island Mareala Bunsen Andrews thiim Trune I'anay Marouette Cornell Thompson ore Superior Buffalo mrts North Woodbary formerly a member of the Hampshire legislature has been appointed assistant secretary the navy to succeed ranklin Roosevelt Mr appointment by President Wilson was announced today by Secretary Banielsi The now assis tant secretary represented New Hamp shire on the resolutions committee at i the San rancisco convention and has 1 taken a prominent part in politics for ordonlmany years He was a member of the MACHINISTS Tq secure a better position when past the acre of 40 should have glasses to be able to do the finest dose work and yet at a distance With gold rims $5 Kramer 2d floor Bldg Square near Euclid Take elevator KOOSEVEVrS NAMED Stmr Stmr Stmr Stmr Stmr Stmr Prop Trop 1 rop Kron 4 ivyr KUi xqiiri VVOJ Knlkixka Courtright craL 1 Prop Homer Smith Soo coal Prop StaiTord Blands liglX Prop A Chisholm Islands Incorporated $orietg Dr tunings itfthe (Eitu of PUBLIC SQUARE LORATN Amt 2G Arrived: OpheiB Ashta bula light: Emperor Point Edward light: Genoa Tort Huron light Pollock Dinkey Du luth ere Glenstrivrn Kry Harbor lifiht Cleared: Glenstriren Kev Harbor coal Cepheus Ashland coal: Emperor Arthur coal Genoa Port Huron coal Dinkey luluth coal ASHTAnrLA Auk 2C Arrived: Aztee Montreal light Odanah Duluth ore Utley Two Harbois ore Mather Mar $1 JV 5 RrpA am am am am am We really believe that with a little honest effort we can force the issue and bring clothing down nearer to normal Maybe wrong and if we are pay for the mistake: we 9:00 pm 1 :00 pm 1 1 :00 pm 1 :00 am 2 :00 ana 2 am 2 a 2 am 2:30 am 4 am 1:30 am 5210 tin 5 210 am 7 am 7v) am NEEDS 7900 OICERS Contribution To Lower Prices SAULT Junes 7 Mather (big) 7 Osler 7 txDnanl 7:30 pm Peter Ilei 7 tOpm I 'aridson 0:00 I jrn Wilson Jenkirfs SntliTin Zillah Peshtigo Bright ie Queen rndi rwood Morris MA Bradley Tion sta Umpire City irigiou Smith docked in order to get boats out Chartering in the ore trade is light and contract boats are taking about all the business it was reported yes terday that there was some grain ton nage in the market at the head of Lake Superior for Buffalo at 5 cents Boats Not Delayed Local managers reported that the strike ordered on boats of the Lake Association by the and Stewards' Union yesterday' caused no delay In a few cases men left the ships at the Lake Erie ports but all the freighters in the local harbor that wer scheduled to sail yesterday and last night put out II Dumton secretary of the Union used a launch to notify the gal ley workers of the strike order and he said the mm were leaving the boats A dispatch from Toledo last night said: were conflicting here today as to the effect of the strike of cooks and stewards working on Great Lakes vessels Leaders of the Marine Cooks' and Union said al) the men on vessels tied up here would quit but it was announced at the of fices of the Great Lakes Towing Co that no trouble had been reported It was ascertained that a number of cooks and stewards left their boats but the number was not Will Carry ruit (Special to The Plain Dealer) SANPUSKV Aug 2G Announcement was made here today that the steamer Clarence Ixtbeau of Toledo will be commissioned Monday on what is known as "the Lake Erie island fruit covered until this season by the steam er rank Kirby of Detroit' The Labeau will leave Kelley Island daily at 1 tn proceeding to Catawba in Bay and Middle Bass Island and thence to Detroit No Bodies ound Capt Smith of the Pittsburg Steamship Co who has charge of the party searching for the bodies of the crew of the wrecked steamer Superior City yesterday wired that he picked up the of the steamer and a large number of hatch covers at salt point This is about sixteen miles south of where the collision occurred No bodies were found quette ore rancis Widlar Superior ore Superior ore Mapleheath Montreal light Niko Montreal light Angtflinc Ashland ore Maplegulf Toronto light Michigan Mar quette on Joo Morrow Superior ore Kinney Duluth ore Minnie onon Toronto light Redfern Montreal light tug Michi gan Huron light Cleared: Minnie Orton Toronto coal Redfern Welland coal tug Michigan Montreal light Aztec Montreal coal Odanah Duluth coal Utky Superior light Cepheus Su perior light Mapleheath Montreal coal Niko Montreal Cfal Angcline Cluoigo light: Maple gulf Toronto coal: Michigan Superior light Joe Morrow Superior light Kinney Su perior light ERIE Aug 2o Arrived: Colburg Tort Col borne light: Maplegrange Quebec pulpwood Slick Superior ore Cleared: Morley Quebec coal Senator Chicago coal Ulster Buffalo light Slick superior nguv HURON Aug Arrived: Crescent Calcite stone: Jones Escanaba Glenorchy Midland light Cleared: Crescent City Calcite light orchy Midlam) coal Jones Toledo light AIRPORT Aug 26 Arrived: Carl 1) icy 8icne Kiunt? fr Cleared: Robbins Sandusky Carl Bradley Calcite light Aug 26 Arrived4 Tug Mason Port CoUmnie light Mary Boyce Toronto light Henry Dalton Duluth ore John Stan tnn i Armand ffnr A Wolvin Superior ore lie uaso Mary II Boyce Thorold coal IPnry Dalton Duluth Lght John Stanton Indiana Harbor rfjil Ream Duluth Superior light A VAjlvin South Chicago lighu SANDUSKY Aug Arrived: bob bins Ashtabula light Sirius IL Robbins Conneaut light Henry rick Buffalo light lie area nuDDius rmenoygan coal Lake Michifftin MILWAUKEE Aug 26 Arrived: Neilson vir Cleared: Donner Duluth light ESCANABA Aug Arrived: Reiss coal: Crofl Tnnlin Cleared: Ihnvton South Chicago ore: Lewis ton Kennedy Lake Lriy ore Grammer ore SII SIKH GAN Aug 264 Cleared: John Reiss Buffalo REAL ESTATE LOANS on completed single and two family residences Six Per Cent simple interest Easy monthly payments No bonus In event of death the mortgage is paid off instantly and your dependents receive cash equal to the amount paid on the principal of the mortgage RIDAY AUGUST 27 1920 SURRENDERS PONZI GIT ormer NInnriKvr TuriU Oxer $10 OOO io I ver BOSTON Aug 25 Kobort He Ma sellis who for two months acted as general manager for Charles Ponzi voluntarily offered today to turn over to the receivers of tho Securities Ex 'changc Co a fund of $10000 which Ponzi had placed in trust for him Attorney General Allen announced tonight He also made to the attorney gen eral a complete statement his re lations xvith the bankrupt financier He protested ignorance of Ponzi's business methods turned over thq keys of hlH numerous boxes in safe deposit vaults to the receivers today and thej' began taking inventory In tin effort to uncover more assets Muller consort :40 pm arrell Clarke 5:40 pm Mauch Chunk 1 1 pul Midland King 12:0 pm Dunham 4:15 am 4 20 am Wind calm weather clear UP Mauch Chunk uirmson Mdl Wolfn myde! Jr BallBros Barnum Dunham Corey Keewatin IVrseus HarvfVVr Baker estem States Detroit pass mdse City of St Ignace Detroit pass mdse City of troit II Detroit rasa mdse City of Buffalo Buffalo pass nulao City of Erie ut in Uay pass Midsc Roosetelt Port Stanley pas mdse Pontiac Marquette ore A Reiss Superior ore Lake alun Detroit light Homer Smith Tort McNieholl light Kolkaska Marino Citv light Stafford Islands sand A Chisholm Islands sand AUG 2G Western Rtatoa Detroit paw mdse City of St Ignace Detroit pass mdse City of Detroit If Detroit pass mdse City of Buffalo Buffalo pass of Erie Put in Bay pass mdse Tlieo Roosevelt Port Stanley pass mdse A Reiss Spinor light rank Rockefeller Superior light Ed Demmer Chicago light NV Mather Superior coal avorita 15c itraight 510 Eagle Are Cleveland Ohio Cigar Co Inc Philadelphia Pa DULUTH Aug Arrived: Stone IT Black Cornell Newbold Mstnafu Klingon sala Townsend J'anav Maytham' Tyrone vpsnn ngnt mr ore Jr Ireland Wood Hart coal stone Northam passu Rc lack II Shaw Berry Kogulus Canopic Aiay tham Tyrone anav Marnnette unrnrii ThumpHon ore Superior Buffalo American Sawyer Truesdale light 9 HAKBOIvS Aug Cleared Hough ton Maia Cornell Nlanda Augustus lake Jkie Mild Havana iller Shade Grown Wrapper Distributors The A Ehr bar to he As he Navy 26 EEI 1 1 1 1 VAVI Illi AWMWW II I 1 1 rT 1 a i i fisf jLjM A i I 4 lil I I where you profit by a i i ze i 1 1 HL 1 1 1 I ZZZ i "Oh Slrg wLw 4 vORTSwl 0 think however that righ I 2 xt IS SO A vi i I If A Al rrt vvv A Bit 1 jfflK iWiihZWaA XrV N'x WIIHwwalli'k CTri I mr 1 5 wf alii fflSi Wik vX Jb 1 1 wxat we xr i 'I I '7s 7w IWwii UHL 7 Or urn 'iW teZrf I 11 5 I 7f I i oWW I I W' 1 4 ''A i Afcw vs xpxi ft UK fcr? AU'41 3tf tW iOiSS I IM hw It tl I i 1 SX I 1 1 RWhlW S' 4' LffEV 5 ih'll N4 I CT I 111 1kwVWnTkWZ XJ4 tVl 5 NW S3 I WW UI 11 i JMU 'W 5 'r Repub Building 55' 'S' 7 SO wW 'iliij mi was IIS soir I A eiyoyineiitMOP I Bl JwBaSan jT A ciZ? sWiMBar II A KSV'rf 'iSBtWMr rsxauur ffl Wk Cigar Co i JrZ i i Wr II 11 1 IS III III IWM ll I 1 a fl I I I EnsasM3Mca 8 I SSRSS! MA Rees 6:13 pm Wilkinson 630 am Ell wood RejUogle :40 am Steinbrenner pm Campbell 7:15 am Reed 7:20 pm LC Hanna 7:50 pm McGregor 7: 40 am Cadillac ihh Gawn 7:40 am Wataon pm Donaldson 8 am Agnew 10:10 pin JimBnwn Hutchinson 10:10 pm Griffin am Goodyear 10:40 pm Princeton Arotunw 12:15 am Sinaloa 9:40 am Schoonmaker 12:45 am Calumet 11 :45 am WE itzgerald 1 :50 am Northlake 2:00 rm I ails 3:75 am Colton 2:40 pm Nasmyth 3:45 am Iron Cliff 2 I Maplebrook 4 210 a tn Calvert 2:40 pm' Siemens Wyandotte AlSchneider 5:45 am Morrell Hartnll 5:45 am Maplebrnok 3:15 pm I AMitchen 6:30 am CR Hubbard 3:40 pm Avoy 6'30 am Taurus 5:30 pm Crane 6:30 am Dalton 52)0 pm Harvard 6210am DOWN Lime Kiln Crossing Enpror Victor? 9ff 0 am Hillman HH Brown Pollock 800pm Belgium 122Optn Shaughnessy pm Maunabu 1:00 pm CentralWcst 9:00 pm Maplehranch 1 :15 pm Wolvin 9210 pm Maritana 1:20 pm Wolf (old) 11:40 pm Garret 1 210 pm Kalkaska 12:15 am Widener A 1:50 pm Genoa 12:15 am Jupiter 2ffpmi LaBelle 1230am WDReis CDJtradley Rnchtrr Dinkey 5:50 am RThonffKOn 3210 pm KAUhrig Kopp 50npm Elmore 8:20 am JayM jrae 5:15 pm AlrxUhrig Sff0 am Rhodes 6:00 pm 9:40 am1 MACKINAW CI UP Livingstone 60 pm Earling 5:20 am Hanna 7:00 pm 'Norton am Alp na 7:20 pm Sulihan :30 am Kennedy 7:40 pm Clarke 9:10 am Nottingham 12:40 am 'Mullen 10:15 am airbairn and Manchester 2:00 pm consort Manitou Ilwim Daw son 3:00 am 3:15 pm Yacht Dixie Chicago 8 Robinson am hhiMtning 500 pm tg i s'.

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The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)


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Author: Golda Nolan II

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Author information

Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

Phone: +522993866487

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.