Tail Waggin Peanut Butter and Bacon Dog Treats Recipe (2024)

Cranberry Peanut Butter Dog Treat Recipe

We love cranberries – there are so many benefits of this fruit for dogs. That’s one of the reasons why we love to make this Cranberry Peanut Butter Dog Treat Recipe.

Soft Peanut Butter Carrot Dog Treat Recipe

What’s better than biting into a warm, soft cookie? Making them for your dog, of course – try this Soft Peanut Butter Carrot Dog Treat Recipe for a cookie your pup will love.

Peanut Butter and Banana Dog Treat Recipe

You know how sometimes you make banana bread with those old, brown bananas? Now I use them for dog treats. And my latest brown banana went into this Peanut Butter and Banana Dog Treat Recipe. I added in a little bit of honey and bran for even more goodness. Oscar, my taste tester, approved of the end result. Try them out for yourself!Peanut Butter and Banana Dog Treat RecipeMakes about 25-30 medium-sized cookiesIngredients:1 egg1/3 cup peanut butter1 mashed banana1 tablespoon honey2 cup whole wheat flour1/2 cup wheat bran½ cup chicken or beef brothDirections: Preheat oven to 300 degrees F.Mash banana in small bowl.Stir together the egg, peanut butter, banana, and honey in a medium bowl; blend thoroughly.Stir in the flour, broth and wheat bran; mix well. Turn dough out onto a floured board and roll to 1/4 inch thick. Cut into desired shapes with a cookie cutter, place on prepared baking sheet.Bake treats in oven for 30 minutes, depending on size.Remove from oven and cool on a wire rack.4 Health Benefits of BananasBy featuring bananas in this treat recipe, you can provide your dog with some incredible benefits to help boost your dog’s health and well-being. If you weren’t already gathering the ingredients to start baking, here are a few reasons why you should!Improved DigestionPacked with fiber, bananas can help to improve digestion by allowing everything to move through the digestion system effectively. This can help to address problems like diarrhea and constipation, or simply improve your dog’s ability to absorb the many nutrients in their food to get the most out of their regular diet.Better Kidney and Heart FunctionThe presence of potassium can help to boost the function of your dog’s heart and kidneys. It does this by regulating the blood flow through your dog’s body, normalizing blood pressure, and regulating the fluid levels within their body.Boost Bone StrengthWe were all raised with the knowledge that calcium was the secret to strong bones, and this isn’t only true for humans. Bananas are rich in calcium and will help to encourage strong, healthy bones while the presence of magnesium will also help your dog use the vitamins and minerals in their diet more effectively, allowing for healthy bone growth.Strengthen Immune SystemBananas contain a high level of vitamin C, a nutrient well-known for its ability to strengthen the immune system and ward off any illnesses and infections. Additionally, a strengthened immune system can help your dog to address the immune response that results in allergies, stabilizing the body and relieving many of the allergy symptoms that they may be experiencing.So, grab those bananas and let’s get baking! If you made these, we’d love to see how they turned out. Take a picture and post it on our Facebook wall.

Peanut Butter And Strawberry Jam Dog Treat Recipe

Peanut butter and jelly – that’s what your dog wants in his belly. Try our take on the iconic lunchtime sandwich!Peanut butter and jam sandwiches were a favorite in my house when I was a kid. Yeah, I know that it was quick and easy for my mom to throw together in a pinch, but it’s pretty hard to mess up that tried and true formula. And with our Peanut Butter And Strawberry Jam Dog Treat Recipe, you can share those happy memories with your pooch with our take on the seasoned sandwich. I used fresh strawberries to cut out the sugar, but you can substitute with strawberry jam if you’re in a pinch.Peanut Butter And Strawberry Jam Dog Treat Recipe

Peanut Butter and Pumpkin Dog Treat Recipe

What I love about dog treat recipes is that you can add two totally different kinds of ingredients, yet have them coming out really tasty – well, for dogs that is. In the Peanut Butter and Pumpkin Dog Treat Recipe, a flavorful combination turns out to be a new favorite. A doggy favorite – peanut butter – is mixed with a digestible favorite – pureed pumpkin – to give us this beggable treat. Add in a touch of cinnamon (it’s an anti-inflammatory, among other things) and honey, and this sweet cookie will have your pups wagging for more.Peanut Butter and Pumpkin Dog Treat RecipeMakes 30-40 cookiesIngredients:2 3/4 cups whole wheat flour2 eggs1 cup canned pumpkin4 tablespoons peanut butter1/2 tablespoon honey1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamonDirections:Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).Combine flour, eggs, pumpkin, peanut butter, honey, and cinnamon in a bowl. If needed, add water, but the dough needs to be dry and stiff.Roll dough into a 1/4-inch-thickness and cut with cookie cutter.Bake for 30 minutes and let cool on racks.As always, we’d love to hear how the Peanut Butter and Pumpkin Dog Treat Recipe turned out for you. Please leave your comments and suggestions in the comment section below, or post your pictures on our Facebook page.

Is AI Making it Easier to Have a Conversation with Your Pet?

We ask the question: Is there really an app in the works that will help us talk to animals?

Holiday Gifts for Your Cats: Tips and Recommendations

Your cat is a member of your family, so why not include them in the gift giving tradition of the holidays by getting them something special? With a wide range of pet products on the market, you can find an item that your kitty is sure to love, and you can make sweet memories in the process. Whether you have a stocking for your furbaby or you plan on wrapping a little gift for them, here are some holiday gift ideas for cats to help you get started.

Once-Abused Dog Celebrates First Christmas With Vet Who Saved Him

A puppy who survived a terrible beating has celebrated his ‘first proper’ Christmas with a veterinarian nurse who provided a loving furever home for him.A whippet named Terry was only 12 weeks old when he was viciously attacked by his owner and left with severe trauma injuries after he urinated inside. The injured pup was taken to the Hull PDSA Animal Hospital in East Yorks, England, where he was treated by the veterinary nurse Rachel Coombes. During the initial exam, the hospital’s staff discovered that Terry had a bruised eye and lips. The pup was also missing three of his upper incisors, and another tooth was broken.For nurse Coombes, this was love at first sight! She told her colleagues that if Terry survived, she would adopt him, and that’s exactly what she did.Although Terry celebrated Christmas with Rachel and her son Stanley last year, this year was their ‘first proper’ Christmas together since Terry is now fully settled in with the family.“I just felt a connection as soon as he was brought in as he was in such a state we actually thought initially that he hadn’t made it,” said nurse Rachel according to Talker. “Then when we spotted gentle breathing I did say ‘if he survives this I’m going to give him home’ which is exactly what I did.”From that moment on, Terry’s life changed completely! “He hasn’t looked back since - he loves life and is having the best of life right now.” According to his new owner, Terry likes to run around the garden and enjoys going to the beach. The pooch has also formed a strong bond with Rachel’s son, Stanley, and is always by his side. “Last year, we got him around Christmas, but it was such a hectic time for him, and he was learning to settle then.” But this year, the family planned a festive celebration for Terry and did everything to make him feel special during the holiday season. Due to the suspicious nature of Terry’s injuries, RSPCA Inspector Laura Barber was asked to investigate. The inspector said that despite the severity of his injuries and his overall state, Terry had put his head on her and was so trusting. “He was in such a sad state and was really quiet and withdrawn when he was with people. He was so lovable, and it is great to see he has a home he deserves with such a lovely family.”“I know Terry will have the best first proper Christmas with his lovely new family and one he thoroughly deserves,” the inspector added. Terry’s extensive injuries were enough to build a case against his former owner. After appearing in court and admitting to causing unnecessary suffering to a dog, the person was handed a five-year ban on keeping animals. Emily Lomas, an animal care assistant at RSPCA’s Hull branch, said she was thrilled when she learned that Rachel had adopted Terry. “He was very traumatized and overwhelmed when he came to us, we had to really show him there was nothing to be scared of and that he was now safe. We took him to the socialization room, and I remember him falling asleep on my legs,” said Lomas.“We were all thrilled when he was adopted and knew he was going to a special home,” she added.Join the PetGuide community. Get the latest pet news and product recommendations by subscribing to our newsletter here.

Is Your Cat Itchy? Causes and Treatments for Itching in Cats

Itching, or pruritis, in cats has various causes, so it’s a symptom of multiple problems. Sure, a cat will have an itch they need to scratch every now and then, just like people do. But if you see your cat scratching more than usual, or they’re scratching, licking, or biting themselves so much that they’re losing fur and causing cuts and scabs on their skin, there may be an underlying issue that should be addressed.Whether your cat is scratching at one area or they’re itchy all over, don’t ignore this problem. Read on to learn about some of the causes of itchiness in cats, along with some of the things you can do to provide relief. Remember, it’s always best to consult a veterinarian about your cat’s symptoms so you can give your pet the right treatment.Reasons Why Your Cat Is ItchyHere are some of the conditions that can cause a cat to feel itchy:AllergiesA lot of things can cause an allergic reaction in cats that leads to itchy skin. For example, if your cat is allergic to an ingredient in their food, such as a particular protein, their allergy might manifest as itchiness. As another example, your cat might be allergic to something in the environment, such as dust in the house or pollen that blows in through a window. And some cats have contact allergies to products, from litter to plastic or fabric, that can cause a reaction. The goal is to find the allergen and remove it from your cat’s environment as best as possible. In the case of a food allergy, using food trials with the guidance of your vet can help you figure out what’s causing the reaction so you can start giving your cat food that’s appropriate for them. ParasitesBites from insects and parasites can cause your cat to feel itchy. Fleas and mites are a couple examples. And, yes, indoor cats can get fleas, as they could be brought in from outside and find their way to your feline.When it comes to mites, such as ear mites or mange, your veterinarian can prescribe treatments after performing some tests for an accurate diagnosis.For flea allergy dermatitis caused by flea bites, it’s a matter of eliminating the flea infestation and preventing future infestations. You can use over-the-counter products, such as Frontline Plus for Cats, which is a topical treatment you apply between your cat’s shoulders (where they won’t be able to lick it off). It kills flea eggs, flea larvae, and adult fleas, as well as ticks and chewing lice, and each dose works for a month. But you also need to thoroughly clean your home and your pet’s things to be sure you eliminate fleas in the environment.

How to Keep Your Pet Safe This Thanksgiving

Are you going to be hosting Thanksgiving dinner at your home this year? Then it’s time to think about the ways that your pets could be affected. That’s right: a day that’s all about family and food for you could be stressful or even harmful to your cats and dogs if you aren’t careful. The information below discusses some of the ways to keep your pets safe this Thanksgiving.

World’s First Dog-Fox Hybrid Dies Under Mysterious Circ*mstances

The death of the first-ever confirmed dog-fox hybrid in Brazil is under government investigation. The São Braz Conservation Center, which took care of this unique hybrid species since its discovery in 2021, failed to notify the officials about the animal’s death. To make matters even stranger, the exact time and cause of the hybrid’s death are still unknown. The unusual creature, named “dogxim” was discovered after being hit by a car in 2021 and taken to the hospital in Rio Grande do Sul. Veterinarians treating the animals were puzzled by its appearance as they couldn’t figure out if the young female was a fox or a dog. Scientists conducted a series of tests to determine the animal’s genetic makeup. Their findings, published in the journal Animals, showed that the animal is a hybrid between a domestic dog of an unknown breed and a pampas fox, native to South America. Scientists noted that “dogxim” exhibited an unusual mix of fox and dog traits. The hybrid looked like a medium-sized dog with large, pointy ears, a black nose, and a long, thin snout. She had brown eyes and a thick, black-brown fur. Researchers were also surprised to discover that “dogxim” refused to eat dog food but accepted live rodents. Although it moved like a fox, the hybrid barked like a dog and sometimes enjoyed playing with dog toys.“She was an amazing animal, really a hybrid between a pampas fox and a dog,” said Flávia Ferrari, a conservationist who worked with the hybrid during its recovery. Ferrari described the hybrid as less aggressive than a wild canid but not as docile as a domestic dog. “She had a shy and cautious personality, generally preferring to stay away from people. Over the time she was hospitalized for treatment, I believe she started to feel safer.” When the scientists who studied and cared for the fox-dog hybrid asked for recent photographs of the animal in August, they were notified that the creature had died six months ago. Dr. Rafael Kretschmer, a cytogeneticist at the Universidade Federal de Pelotas who did the genetic analysis that showed the animal’s hybrid nature, told the Telegraph: “We are very sad about her death, especially because we do not have the answers about the exact date and the cause of her death.”“We only discovered that she died because I called Mantenedouro São Braz to request some recent photos of the hybrid. They informed me that she died approximately six months ago. They didn’t answer me about the exact date and cause of her death,” he added.Flávia Ferrari who studied the hybrid before it was transferred to the São Braz Conservation Center, added: “When she left she was healthy, there were no indications of any health problems. Health check-ups were carried out periodically, including blood tests.”As far as scientists are aware, no autopsy was performed to determine the cause of death.“The Secretariat of Environment and Infrastructure (SEMA) investigates the death of a hybrid between wild graxaim and domestic dog, the target of scientific research which, since 2021, was under the care of the Mantenedouro de Fauna Silvestre São Braz, in Santa Maria, an enterprise registered and authorized by the state,” the spokesman for the Brazilian government told the Telegraph. “SEMA is investigating the circ*mstances of the animal’s death and informs that in the reports sent periodically by the entrepreneur, there was no communication to this department about the animal’s death.”The young female "dogxim" was the first ever recorded case of a fox and dog breeding in the world, and the hybrid was of unmeasurable significance to science. 

Never Scoop Again With Litter-Robot, The Purrfect Gift For Cat Lovers

Cats like a clean litter box just as much as cat owners do, but scooping clumps can be a hassle. Whisker’s Litter-Robot, the highest-rated, self-cleaning litter box for cats, eliminates the need to scoop the litter box. The newest model, Litter-Robot 4, provides a clean bed of litter for your cats after every use. It features patented sifting technology that sifts out waste after every use and deposits it into a tightly-sealed waste drawer, helping to keep odor under control. For Black Friday, you can scoop one up for less, with $75 off bundles with the Purrfect Litter-Robot accessories you will want.What Sets the Litter-Robot Apart? Litter-Robot 4 features an advanced, patented, sifting technology with QuietSift™ for nearly-silent sifting. That’s right, you don’t have to scoop and you don’t hear the litter being sifted. What could be better?

Hundreds of Cats and Dogs Saved from an Animal Testing Laboratory

In a groundbreaking action, the Beagle Freedom Project (BFP), a non-profit organization that rescues animals used in testing, has shut down an animal testing facility in Nowata, Oklahoma, and rescued over 200 dogs and cats from certain death.This monumental action closed down one-third of the flea and tick product testing industry in the U.S., ending years of cruel experimentation on an untold number of animals, and saving thousands of cats and dogs from the same dreadful fate.Most of the animals kept in these facilities are bred specifically for testing, meaning they spend their entire lives in terrible conditions. According to the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), animals in laboratories are kept alone in steel cages, with little room to move, and devoid of animal and human companionship.More than 200 cats, dogs, and a family of pigs were kept in horrifying conditions in the 30-acre facility in Nowata, Oklahoma. The poor animals were kept outside in the cold, in nothing but small tents to serve as a shelter. Those kept inside were housed inside tiny cages placed on hard concrete. In the past, the Nowata laboratory has been the subject of many USDA citations and violations. The animals kept there had to endure aggravating pain and discomfort caused by fleas and ticks breeding on their bodies. To make matters worse, the cats and dogs were forced to wear cones so they couldn’t relieve the itching and the pain.“We had to end this,” the president and founder of the Beagle Freedom Project, Shannon Keith, said. “Rather than rescue the dogs and cats one by one, while the facility continued its cruel operations, several months ago, we took a chance and approached the owner of the facility about relinquishing his USDA license and ending operations.”And they were successful! Animal Health Innovations Inc. has ceased operations and surrendered its USDA license. “The importance of this monumental achievement cannot be overstated. Not only have we rescued hundreds of animals from being tested on and certain death, we have also created a pathway for others to do the same,” said Keith to Agusta Free Press.But, that’s not the end. The Beagle Freedom Project plans to transform the former laboratory into a rehabilitation and adoption center called the Freedom Fields - a place where the rescued animals will receive medical attention and the love they deserve.“This has never before been accomplished. We are overjoyed that not only will we give more than 200 dogs and cats their freedom and identity, but that we will also transform an animal testing facility into a place of hope, happiness, rehabilitation, and love,” added Keith.The new space should consist of a doggy park, catio, cat cafe, dog dens, groom room, and lots of open space for dogs and cats to run around and play in. Additionally, there will be a barn for farm animals and a visiting center where the visitors can learn about animal testing before meeting the adoptable animals. Extensive renovations are already underway at Freedom Fields, including replacing small metal cages and makeshift outdoor tents surrounded with electrical fencing with warm and sturdy barns for large farm animals. A landscaped dog park and cozy indoor/outdoor spaces will make rescued cats and dogs feel at home. According to Keith, there are safer and better methods of flea and tick control, and these products don’t have to be tested on animals. Currently, the Beagle Freedom Project is arranging the closure of another large laboratory and is working with companies to provide safer and more ethical methods of flea and tick control for cats and dogs.Join the PetGuide community. Get the latest pet news and product recommendations by subscribing to our newsletter here.

Golden Retriever Survives 65 Days Alone in the Alaskan Wilderness

It’s always tragic when a beloved pet dog goes missing, but this was particularly hard for the Mahoskey family, whose senior golden retriever vanished in the Alaskan wilderness. The family was unsure that they would ever see Stella again. Luckily for them, Stella is one tough cookie. Stella’s adventure began in early July when she was enjoying a quiet evening with her family on the back deck of their Sitka home. According to local news outlet KCAW, an unexpected burst of fireworks startled a 13-year-old Stella and sent her dashing into the wilderness. Sarah and Jerrom Mahoskey and their two kids, Kai and Quinn, searched until nightfall but had yet to locate Stella. The next morning, the family grew even more concerned when they realized that their pooch hadn’t returned. Their worries increased even further when the neighbor told them about the bear attack that happened the previous night. “They said, ‘Did you hear there was a bear that attacked a dog last night? We had the windows open in the back of the house, and my wife heard this altercation that sent chills up her spine. And basically, I don’t think your dog could be alive,’” Sarah recalled to KCAW. However, Stella’s family still had hope that she was alive, somewhere, in the woods. The Mahoskeys spent the summer checking out trails near where Stella went missing and followed up on any lead or potential Stella sightings reported by their friends and neighbors. After two months and many investigated reports, Sarah told a friend, “I feel like there’s a 1% chance that she’s out there, and so I cannot let go.”Then, in early September, more than two months after Stella disappeared, the family received a phone call from Tim Eddy, a friend of Jerrom, who was working at the quarry that day.“He said ‘Do you have a golden retriever?’ And Jerrome said, ‘Well, we did have a golden retriever.’ And he says, ‘Well, I think this is your golden retriever,’” Sara shared. Jerome hopped in his four-wheeler and drove to the quarry, where he spotted Stella.“She was on the cliffside, and it was basically this ash and rock that was the same exact color as her,” said Sarah. “She totally blended in. The fact that Tim saw her -  I just kept saying to him, ‘How did you see her?’”Considering the lack of food and water at the quarry, the Mahoskeys don’t believe Stella was there long. The family suspects the quarry looked like a familiar ground to Stella, who grew up around Jerrome’s excavation business. After more than two months in the wilderness, Stella weighed only 30 pounds - that’s nearly half of her regular body weight. Sarah believes that Stella likely foraged to survive. “She has always picked her own berries when we are out hiking,” Sarah explained. “And she loves dandelion roots.”In addition to being underfed, the golden retriever also had a large gash on her left side, possibly from the encounter with the bear. “We think she probably hunkered down for quite a while, and just probably wasn’t able to move a lot and knew that it needed to heal,” said Sarah. “She obviously found a safe space, because the fact that she was bleeding and wasn’t found by that bear or another bear again is quite a miracle.”Upon her safe return home, Stella was examined by her vet, who placed her on a strict diet for the first 10 days. Now, she’s eating well and has already gained 11 pounds.Although Stella can’t share everything that happened during the time she was lost in the wilderness, she hasn’t changed much. According to Sarah, the only difference is that Stella is now definitely hungrier than before. Join the PetGuide community. Get the latest pet news and product recommendations by subscribing to our newsletter here.

Vet School Aims to Dispel Misinformation About Mysterious Illness

News about a mysterious illness has been making dog parents across the country nervous as they seek out available information. While there have been reported advances made in understanding the cause of the illness, many of the details are still vague, and a lot of “data” being shared by the mainstream media seems to be contradicting. How do you know what to believe?To help clarify the sea of information, Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine has published an educational hub on their website with information about the illness, Atypical Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease Complex (aCIRDC).This hub is divided into several categories: Prevalence, Clinical Signs, Pathogenesis, Screening, Treatment, Prevention, Travel, and News. The goal is to share reliable and actionable information for pet parents that will help them make smart, knowledge-driven decisions about their pet’s health, especially as we head into a busy time of travel during the holiday season.Reported Cases of IllnessAccording to the hub, there are currently reported cases of “a chronic respiratory disease with characteristics of aCIRDC” in 16 different states, including:CaliforniaColoradoFloridaGeorgiaIdahoIllinoisIndianaMaineMarylandMassachusettsNew HampshireNevadaOregonPennsylvaniaRhode IslandVermontWashingtonOne of the most important things to note is the wording used by LSU Vet Med. This list is based on reported respiratory illnesses that have characteristics of the mystery illness, but it does not mean that the disease itself has been confirmed. Many respiratory infections and ailments present with very similar symptoms, including Canine Influenza and Bordatella.How to Prevent Illness in Your Dog This Holiday SeasonWhile there is no guarantee that the above states pose a higher risk of aCIRDC, veterinarians and other professionals recommend that pet parents take precautions to keep their pets safe. This is especially important as many of us plan to travel and visit family for the holidays. The following recommendations (as outlined by LSU Vet Med) will help to prevent your dog(s) from getting sick from any respiratory ailment, not just aCIRDC.Ensure Vaccinations are Up to DateWe currently don’t have enough understanding of aCIRDC for a preventative vaccination, but there are vaccinations for some respiratory illnesses. Check with your veterinarian that your dog is current on all routine vaccinations.Limit Exposure (Where Possible)If possible, avoid or limit bringing your dog to areas that put them at a higher risk of contracting a respiratory illness. This includes dog parks or shelter environments. Have a conversation with boarding and training facilities where dogs socialize to better understand their preventative measures, including cleaning and sanitization efforts. You should also ask about the vaccine requirements for dogs in their care and their plan for handling animals that show signs of being ill.Isolate Dogs with Signs of IllnessIs your dog showing signs that they may be ill? If so, isolation is critical. Don’t bring a potentially sick dog to public spaces, and do your best to keep them safely isolated from any other unaffected dogs in your home.

What Do I Do If My Dog Eats Wild Mushrooms?

If you hike or adventure with your dog, you have likely encountered wild mushrooms during your travels – especially now that we are entering the autumn season. But here’s the problem: they’re not always safe for our furry friends. As dog parents, it’s our responsibility to learn about the dangers that wild mushrooms may pose to our dogs and how to keep them safe. In this blog post, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about wild mushrooms, including how they could spell trouble for your dog and what you should do if your pup decides to chow down one of these potentially toxic fungi. Recognizing the signs of mushroom toxicity and knowing what steps to act promptly could make all the difference. So, let’s dive into the world of wild mushrooms and get you prepared to protect your canine companion. Can Mushrooms Harm a Dog? There has been a lot of talk recently about the benefits of medicinal mushrooms for both humans and pets. While studies and research are still being conducted to fully understand the impact mushrooms can have as a supplement or alternative treatment option, it’s clear that some fungi can be incredibly helpful. Still, there are also a few that are highly toxic both to us and our furry friends. The challenge when discussing wild mushrooms is that most dog parents aren’t foraging experts with a knowledge of which mushrooms are edible and which are not – and our dogs certainly aren’t educated on the topic! If you are out hiking and your dog discovers a mushroom on the side of the trail, you likely aren’t going to know in advance whether it’s toxic or not. In fact, if you have a high-energy dog like we do with our pup Lucifer, you may not even have the opportunity to see the mushroom enough to identify it before it has been ingested. This means leaving the possibility that it could be a toxic variety up to chance. For this reason, it’s safer to steer clear of wild mushrooms entirely. Does this mean that your grocery store mushrooms are dangerous? No. If you have purchased mushrooms to cook up for dinner and you want to share one with your dog, they are safe. They are healthiest when offered raw, but if you do cook them, ensure they are unseasoned, as the seasoning could upset your dog’s stomach. They can also be found in some foods, treats, supplements, and bone broth products. What Does Mushroom Toxicity Look Like in Dogs? While we have established that allowing your dog to eat wild mushrooms is unsafe, the hard truth is that we can’t always control the situation. Simply looking away for a matter of seconds may be all it takes for your dog to find and grab a mushroom on the side of the road, on a trail, or even in your backyard. For this reason, we must ensure that we are familiar with the signs of mushroom toxicity to recognize the problem and react as quickly as possible. There are four categories of toxic mushrooms: GastrointestinalMushrooms in this category primarily impact your dog’s digestive system. They act quickly, showing signs in as little as 15 minutes after ingestion. These are the most common signs your dog has ingested a gastrointestinal mushroom: Excessive drooling Upset stomach Abdominal pain Vomiting Diarrhea NeurotoxicThese mushrooms cause neurological symptoms and, if not addressed quickly, can often be fatal. Signs often show approximately 30 to 90 minutes after ingestion. The most common signs that your dog has eaten a neurotoxic mushroom include: Digestive upset Weakness Agitation or anxiety Loss of coordination Unsteady gateAppearing confused or disoriented Tremors Seizures HepatotoxicThese mushrooms are significantly more dangerous than the first two categories. They are slower acting, with symptoms appearing as long as 12 hours after eating the mushroom. They begin by upsetting the digestive system and may be initially mistaken for a gastrointestinal mushroom. However, after time, they will start to impact the function of your dog’s liver, leading potentially to liver failure and death if not addressed. Nephrotoxic Finally, this category is very similar to hepatotoxic mushrooms in that it begins as a digestive upset. If unaddressed, these mushrooms can cause kidney failure or acute renal damage. What Do I Do if My Dog Ate a Wild Mushroom? If you notice any of the above symptoms of mushroom toxicity in your dog, contact your veterinarian or the nearest emergency clinic as soon as possible. If there are multiple mushrooms in the area and you can take a sample for identification, it may help provide valuable insight. While no treatment can instantly fix the toxicity, your veterinarian can provide your pup with supportive care. This will begin with inducing vomiting and/or giving your dog activated charcoal to remove or cancel out the poison and prevent further damage. The vet will monitor your dog while providing supportive care to address symptoms or complications of the toxicity, such as IV fluids to prevent dehydration and anti-nausea medications to settle digestive problems. This takes the unnecessary strain off the body, significantly boosting your dog’s chance of survival.

Study Shows Shape of a Dog’s Head Can Actually Affect Their Sleep

If you have noticed that your dog’s sleep quality is reduced, or that they have begun to snore heavily, there might be an unusual reason behind it – the shape of your pet’s head! Snoring problems can be quite common for many dogs, but they are most often seen in brachycephalic dogs – basically, dogs with flat faces. For example, this is the key characteristic of the  French Bulldog, one of the world’s most popular breeds. In the USA, and in Hungary where the research for these claims was conducted, the goofy little French Bulldog holds the place of the number one most common pet dog breed. And that means that some health-related issues, stemming from their flat-face appearance, are coming into the foreground. Their shortened skulls and brachycephalic morphology result in sleep problems, snoring, difficulties with breathing, and deteriorative brain morphology changes. According to the latest  study by a Hungarian research team, flat-faced dogs tend to sleep more because their breed suffers from sleep apnea and thus their daytime sleepiness is increased. Thus, their REM (deep) sleep phase is much longer than their non-REM sleep, while the EEG patterns in their sleep indicate signs of white matter loss. And while some owners across the world see these Bulldogs and their extremely flat skulls as an attractive or unique feature, it is, nonetheless, a major health hazard. These breeds, for example, the French Bulldog, the Pug, and the English Bulldog tend to live around 3 to 4 years less than other dogs, and in many cases, they don’t even live to adulthood.Some will even have to undergo surgery to correct their musculoskeletal, respiratory, and eye problems, which can cause them a lot of problems throughout their lives. To make matters worse, the rounded and short skull of these dogs results in a distorted and rounded brain, which could affect neural functioning.All this resulted in the Hungarian team’s extensive research into the sleep of these breeds. They studied the sleep of 92 dogs, using EEG. "In the sleep lab, dogs spend about three hours with their owners. As nothing exciting happens, the dogs fall asleep quickly. Meanwhile, we conduct the electrical potential generated by the brain activity with electrodes glued to their scalps," says Anna Kis, who is considered a pioneer in the study of sleeping dogs and a researcher at the HUN-REN Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology. "We wanted to investigate whether flat-faced dogs sleep differently from other dogs, as they are known to suffer from oxygen deprivation due to respiratory problems and therefore have poorer quality sleep. We found that the flat-faced dogs slept more in the three hours given to them during the study. More daytime sleep is probably compensation for insufficient sleep at night.”Ivaylo Iotchev, the first author of a study of dog sleep patterns that was published in the Journal of Brain Structure and Function, adds "In the present study, we found that brachycephalic dogs had decreased beta waves and increased delta compared to dogs with longer noses. The frequency of sleep spindles increased. This pattern has previously been associated with poorer learning in dogs and loss of white matter in humans."He also adds "There may be several reasons for our results. The most interesting of these is that it seems as if the flat-faced dogs have retained the sleep pattern of puppyhood, similarly to newborns who spend more time in REM sleep.”If you own a brachycephalic dog and have been seeing a lack of quality in their sleep, these studies might provide the answers you are looking for – your pooch’s genetics might be to blame for their poor sleep.

Is a Cat Tree Necessary for My Cat?

When you first bring home a new cat, it’s an exciting time – especially if you’re a first-time cat parent. However, amidst the excitement, there are many questions that may be holding you back from fully embracing the joy. Are you prepared to meet all your cat’s needs? Are there “must-have” items you have overlooked? The struggle is real! We have good news… Many of the items that are deemed “necessary” are actually optional. One such item is the traditional cat tree or cat scratcher. Do they offer benefits? Yes! Can they help to improve your cat’s mental and physical health? Yes! But is a cat tree necessary for your cat? No, it’s not. There are other ways you can meet your cat’s needs if your budget or space doesn’t allow for a large piece of cat furniture. Let’s dig into the truth about cat trees and your cat. What is the Point of Cat Trees? If you’re currently standing in your local pet store, looking over the wide assortment of cat furniture available, you may wonder – what exactly is the purpose of cat furniture? Is it just a fancy bed solution for your cat, or are there other considerations when these products are developed? It’s an honest question I often hear from first-time cat parents. After all, these large, elaborate structures often come with a hefty price tag. If they do nothing more than provide a place to sleep, wouldn’t a simple cat bed suffice? Cat furniture is designed to meet many of your cat’s instincts, including their need to scratch, hide, climb, and oversee their surroundings. Each type of cat furniture has its benefits to consider.

Tail Waggin Peanut Butter and Bacon Dog Treats Recipe (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.