Sly fox, Cute possum - Naughty_Croissant (2024)

Chapter Text

The first thing that Moxxie felt upon regaining consciousness was the killer headache that had been obtained through the excessive drinking that had been done last night. If he had to describe it, it was like someone had drilled a rusty screw in his head and while they were at that they also decided to hit his brain with a small hammer.

Moxxie got up from his improvised bed while caressing his temples in the hope it would at least alleviate some of his pain but, to nobody’s surprise it did jack sh*t in helping the little imp. Once the thespian was on his feet, he started to inspect his surroundings, he could see Loona on the floor sleeping near the couch with a blanket over her. Moxxie was no fool, he knew that despite Loona’s behaviour towards Blitz, she cared a lot about the former clown, examples of said caring nature only came about when Blitz wasn’t looking. Such as stopping anyone who tried to sh*t talk Blitz, Moxxie included, he remembered one time when he was complaining about Blitz and Loona responded to him with a “He f*cking lets you mooch off him, I would be a little more grateful if I was you” and she was right despite Blitz’s cruder side, he was always there when you needed his help, for f*ck sake when Moxxie first came to live with them, Blitz had offered up the couch no questions asked.

This caring behaviour even extended towards Moxxie, whenever Loona was the first to wake up, she always made breakfast for all of them, the hellhound often said “Don’t think too much into it, this is just some spare stuff that we can’t afford to throw in the trash” but despite all of that the thespian knew it was a lie. That was in fact due to his portions always being how he liked them, Loona always used soy milk for his coffee and always made sure not to put too much salt or spicy condiments in his food.

Speaking of the hellhound, the ex-mafioso was hearing an all too familiar groan from a certain roommate’s daughter.he dragged up half of her body while the lower part remained on the ground. The hellhound swore while dragging one of her hands to her forehead in order to stop the pain of the headache that she had obtained from ravaging Blitz’s cheap booze reservoir. ”f*ck, shouldn’t have drunk that much” Loona monologed to herself while fully getting up, upon doing so she was met with the thespian. “I see that you are awake, fatty.” the young adult said half-heartedly, her usual enthusiasm that came from teasing him was killed by the pain that she was being subjected to.

“Good morning to you too, Loona,” the imp said in his usual annoyed voice while making his way toward the kitchen, grabbing two glasses and filling them with sink water. Loona followed and accepted the glass once it had been filled. After chugging the whole glass of water, she repeated the process five more times and then leaned on the counter.

“So” the wolf let out and long so with the accent on the ‘o’ “Where the f*ck have you two dumbass twins been all night?” the hellhound asked curiously, which was an anomaly since most of the questions Loona asked were either rhetorical or sarcastic “Also, why do you reek of cotton candy?” Loona said after sniffing a bit and then making a sour face “I understand booze and maybe drugs but why cotton candy?”

The mention of cotton candy seemed to have fully sobered up Moxxie and cleared any fog that he might have had from the previous night, memories of puking on the Queen of Gluttony and then talking about spider and then making out with her with plans of having sex afterward. While the imp was thinking of this Loona started to look at him irritated with a hint of confusion on her face ”Fatty, are you ok? You have been staring into nothing for an uncomfortable amount of time.”

“Yeah, I’m fine,” Moxxie said while still being lost in his thoughts ”I need to go take a shower” The thespian finally snapped back to reality and hurried to the bathroom while leaving Loona utterly confused.

The thespian was on the verge of having a panic attack, if what he had done last night was really true then he was in real sh*t and not because he had puked on Beelzebub, oh no, he had done something far worse. He had drawn out the attention of a royal demon in a romantic sense and not any royal demon, he had drawn out the attention of Queen Beelzebub. To get a basic understanding of why this could lead to problems was rather easy, first of all, she would hold all of the power in the relationship in all possible aspects. Secondly, even if they broke up with no hard feelings involved, he would still be getting a social blacklist from dating since nobody wants to have the slightest chance of pissing off the great Queen of the Ars Goetia. It was safe to say Moxxie had gotten himself in quite a pickle.

Despite all of that, there was a part of Moxxie that felt good about what was happening. Felt good that somebody had shown interest in him, and he felt that whenever his thoughts drifted toward the Queen of Gluttony, his heart would start beating, his cheeks would start lighting up and he would feel the desire to be close to her. In his short time with her, he had felt a connection with her, she seemed to share some aspects with him, and she appeared to be a bigger nerd than he could ever hope to be, he had picked up that while she liked socializing, it was tiring for her. There were also the minor things such as her tail wiggling when talking about subjects she enjoyed, her lava parts brightening up and producing hearts when she blushed, Satan, her fur was so smooth, he almost got lost in it and he wouldn’t even get started on how she tasted and smelled. Moxxie also noticed something all too familiar in the Queen, something that he also found in himself, loneliness. The thespian could feel the void of longing for a connection that he so often felt himself, the longing for somebody to hold him close and feel each other's warmth and be at peace within each other’s presence.

Those very two conflicting sides were both pulling at the poor imp, one part of Moxxie wanted to villainize the queen and pretend she was fully evil with no redeeming and reject her. Yet, one part of him wanted to get to know her better, to see that sweet smile and wiggling of her tail, to maybe help one another swim in this void of loneliness. The imp instead chose denial for the moment, he chose to pretend that what happened last night was a drug trip and nothing more than that.

Moxxie looked in the bathroom mirror, his hair was messy and it reminded him of his father. As much as the imp hated it, he almost looked the same as his father save for his horns being curvier and his father having strips under his eyes as opposed to Moxxie’s freckles. The thespian hated those similarities not only because they were physical but also psychological. As much as the imp wanted to deny it, he shared a lot of attributes with Crimson, from their short fuse that could send both of them into a murdering rage to their silent death stare that could frighten almost anyone. The only aspect that Moxxie was grateful he had inherited from the mobster was the strategic mind his dad possessed.

As the thespian started to remove his dirty clothes, he first wanted to remove his shirt but chose not to, he first removed his pants and then the glove on his hand which had scars. One of the most prominent ones was the white spot in the middle of his right hand, said the scar was made when his father had decided to drive his heel into Moxxie’s hand after he had failed to accomplish a task. Moxxie could still feel his hand twitch on some occasions, it wasn’t as often as the first months after the injury, but it was still distracting from time to time, especially when thinking about it.

After removing everything else save for his sweater, the imp braced himself and pulled it off him, after doing so he was met with numerous scars from different injuries such as slashes, burns, and even gunshot wounds. The one that stood out the most was the scar tattoo that he had, it was half of a shark skull and half of an imp skull, with a dagger piercing both of them. On the dagger ran an imp's tail.

The thespian looked at it for a few seconds and then jerked his head away in the direction of the shower, not wanting to look at it any longer and risk bringing up some bad memories.

The imp entered the shower and let the cold water run on him, it was comforting in a weird way, it was a stark contrast to his usual baths from his former home and a method for Moxxie to not think about his past life. The thespian first spread the water across his body and then started rubbing soap everywhere except his horns since they required a different method of cleaning. Once the imp had scrubbed everywhere and rinsed himself, he then started doing his usual routine of cleaning his horns which usually involved scrubbing them of any filth and then applying wax on them.

After exiting the shower and brushing his hair and teeth, the little imp wrapped a towel around his waist and entered the living room to get himself some clothes that were stored in an improvised drawer, which happened to be a suitcase. The thespian had successfully made the trip to his suitcase and was halfway through the return trip when he heard a voice.

“So, fatty, how did you get those scars?” the hellhound asked. Whether it was out of boredom or curiosity, the imp couldn’t tell, the only thing Moxxie did was continue his journey back to the bathroom. The thespian spent the next 10 minutes freshening himself up and then got out of the restroom.

Much to his surprise the hellhound was still leaning on the counter in the kitchen while making breakfast “So you didn’t tell me, how did you get those scars? Did you fall down the stairs? Cut yourself in some wood?” Loona asked in a mocking tone, clearly taking the piss out of the scars.

Moxxie wanted to ignore her but the more he thought about it the more it seemed like a bad idea, if he ignored her, she would keep probing and maybe go down the rabbit hole that was his past. Instead, he chose to give her a surface-level response “My father gave them to me.” the thespian said in an unusually cold tone that displayed no emotions.

“Oh sh*t, I am, I didn’t mean, you “ Loona tried to form a sentence but the hellhound couldn’t muster up the words to do so and instead chose to look away in shame and focus on finishing up preparing breakfast.

A part of Moxxie felt bad about what he had just done, as much as he found Loona to be very annoying and downright rude sometimes, the imp could tell that she was also dealing with very complicated feelings and problems and usually didn’t mean to cause any real harm. Yet, another part of him deep inside enjoyed this, he enjoyed finally being able to shut her up and have some peace, this was the very side of him that Moxxie detested with every ounce of his being.

The hellhound and imp stayed in an awkward silence that neither tried to break, said silence lasting until Loona finished preparing their meal. Moxxie’s portion was placed before him more gently than would happen most times and to top all of that off, he had gotten an extra portion of well everything, bacon eggs, pancakes.

While eating breakfast Moxxie decided it was time to confront reality and open his phone, to see whether or not it was a drug trip despite the imp knowing deep inside that it was as real as the sky above. The former mafia member opened his app and navigated towards sinstragram. He braced himself and then touched the icon and opened the app.

As the imp expected, he could see the Queen’s profile popping up on his recommended page and he could also see several messages that had been sent his way. To nobody’s surprise, they were from a certain somebody who had a yellow star next to her username. Moxxie entered the chat and started reading the messages not knowing what to expect.

Queen_Bee: Hello, it’s me Beelzebub, you know, the gal you almost boned last night.

Queen_Bee: How is that hangover treating ya?

Queen_Bee: Can ya call me when you are available? Want to talk about something?

Moxxie doesn’t know what to do, he could either ignore this ever happened or call the sin lord, but the imp chose the latter. He dialed Bee and then put the phone up to his ear, Beelzebub answered surprisingly fast.

“What’s up, Mox? Took you long enough to call me, I was starting to believe you were ghosting me.” The queen said in her usual cheery and somehow snarky tone but with a hidden layer of worry as if she actually believed the last part “Anyway, how is that hangover treating ya? Can’t imagine well considering how much you drank last night.” Beelzebub went on to babble for a few more seconds before Moxxie finally gathered up enough courage to speak.

“I am sorry to interrupt but, why did you wish to speak to me?” the imp asked timidly, his voice feeling like it was being drowned.

“Oh yeah the reason I called you” The lord of the Flies paused for a little bit ” Well I wanted to ask when you wanted to come to my place and go on the date you promised me.” Bee said casually “So, I’ll come to pick you up at six since that is the earliest I can end my meetings with my court.” Beelzebub's tone showed some disdain for her court which was surprising for the little imp.

“You're Going to have a meeting?” the imp inquired, being curious about his dates schedule.

“More like having one, I am in the middle of a long-ass meeting that can be narrowed down to rich f*ckers that complain to me how they don’t like other rich f*ckers.” Beelzebub lamented “Like can you imagine how surprised I was when Marquise Shax came up to me and asked me for f*cking political favours for doing his f*cking job, like geez what the heaven did he expect to happen besides me f*cking tearing him a new asshole where he can shove up more of his ego.” The sin lord said irritatedly, “I also had another conversation with Duke Eligos who tried to convince me to reinstate his brat as his heir.” The Queen-Bee went on to complain for a couple of minutes.

At the end of Beelzebub’s long tirade, she let out a sigh “For f*ck’s sake, I am a Queen of Hell, not the highest-paid babysitter, my job isn’t to make sure they don’t feel discomfort when doing their job and the most infuriating fact is that they don’t f*cking get it.” Bee finally calmed down and switched to a more go-lucky demeanor “Never mind that I am excited about tonight, we are going to have a f*cking blast, we are going to the Dives area of the first circle since I have seen that you seem to be into more sophisticated activities” Moxxie wondered how the demon knew that but this very question was quickly answered, “ If your page is right that is.”

Moxxie finally allowed himself to speak “Your majesty, there might be a slight problem, I have work until seven.” The thespian was quickly cut out by the fallen-seraphim.

“First of all, drop the ’your majesty’, only people in my court or who work under me use that and since we are going on a date, I think we should be on a first-name basis.” The fox-like demon said calmly with some annoyance at having to explain this “Secondly, don’t worry I will come and pick you up, I doubt your boss would say no to me.” Beelzebub said, her confidence accompanied with an air of menace, it made Moxxie rather uneasy and reminded him of who he was speaking to. Despite

what she had displayed when interacting with him, the imp knew the false god was still extremely dangerous.

“Ok, see you at six,your majes..” the imp stopped and corrected himself ”Beelzebub” Moxxie said keeping in mind his date’s preferences on how she would like to be addressed. Moxxie could feel that while Bee was not happy with being called Beelzebub, she seemed to prefer being called that over ‘your Majesty’.

“Good enough, we can work on this tonight.” She said in a seductive tone that was mixed with some excitement “See ya at six.” Bee said while making a kissing noise and then hanging up the call.

The imp would have stood there for an eternity hadn’t it been for Blitz barging in and thankfully pulling Moxxie outside of what would be him drowning in intrusive thoughts. The thespian turned his attention towards Blitz, the former clown looked like sh*t, to be frank. He had eyebags and had a hard time keeping his eyes open.

The duo remained in a state of silence until Blitz finally finished making his coffee and then chugged it down and with that action the imp seemed to do a 180 and started being his talkative and somehow irritating self again.

“So, who were you talking to?” Blitz asked with an annoyingly smug tone in his voice as if he knew who Moxxie had spoken to just a few moments prior.

“None of your business, sir and frankly I find it quite aggravating how you pry so much into my personal life” the thespian huffed and tried his best to deflect and make his roommate not question him any further.

“Oh, look at you, having a big crush on Barky.” Blitz said in a usual babying voice that he typically used when mocking Moxxie “Come on Mox, don’t ya want to hear some advice from me on how to please somebody since I am pretty sure you lack any.” The former clown switched to his normal voice that dripped with false confidence.

“Sir, no offense, but you are the last person to whom I would want advice regarding intimacy.” Moxxie expressed annoyance while pinching the bridge between his eyes.

Blitz was about to give a retort to Moxxie’s last statement when an alarm went off, the location of this alarm happened to be Mox’s phone. Upon close inspection, the imp discovered what it was for.

“sh*t, sh*t, I am late for work.” The imp rushed to his drawer and looked for some clothes only to realize most of them were dirty or simply not suitable for being worn at work “Sir, can I borrow some clothes from you for the day?”

“Yea, sure.” The former clown said while eating some hastily prepared cereals and putting on some “My big-ass pony, the magic of murder”. The thespian quickly rushed across the room and selected some clothes from his best friend’s drawer.

There weren’t many clothes that would fit his style but from the one that did, the imp chose a purple turtleneck sweater that had written on the back of it “f*ck Beelzebub”. Moxxie didn’t know whether it was a coincidence or if God was laughing at him.

Moxxie quickly finished and then figuratively flew out of the condo. With how quickly he was going, the imp was running as fast as he could in hopes of not being too late to work. By some curse, he had managed to catch the bus and arrive at work just in the nick of time.

When he walked in, Moxxie was greeted by his boss, Bob. He wasn’t particularly angry, just seemed irritated at his employee being late for work. “Moxxie, my boy, I see you have finally managed to show up, I was starting to think you wouldn’t,” Bob said usual cherry and somewhat warm tone.

The imp hadn’t known his boss for all that well and, if he was honest, he didn’t want to. Moxxie didn’t like to sh*t where he made his honey. Yet, from what he knew Bob was a family man through and through, all his family worked there, his wife, two children, and even his pet.

Moxxie walked into the backrooms to put on his uniform, which was just an apron with the store’s logo on it. After that, the imp went out of the storeroom and was greeted by Bob’s two children who were arguing with each other. Mandy was the oldest of Bob’s children and not by a lot. She was a seventeen-year-old teenager who could fit the criteria of being called a cliché. She was a rather tall imp with curvy black horns and dressed in a usual mean girl outfit with a taste for disaster and suffering. Said suffering usually came from her brother, Samy. If Moxxie was honest, Samy was a sweetheart, he was always polite, never seemed to try to aggravate his sister, and seemed to seek her approval, which usually ended in an unfavorable situation for him. Such as this one, the older of the siblings was holding the younger’s book over his head low enough he could try to reach out for it but high enough he couldn’t reach it.

“Give that back!!!” Samy shouted

“Or what? Are you going to go and tell mom and dad?” Mady mocked her younger brother and continued her sick game.

Samy spotted Moxxie and cried out to me ”Moxxie please tell her to give me back my book” Now Moxxie felt sorry for the kid and what made it worse was that the kid looked up to him, ever since the former mafioso let it slip about his past life occupation. Yet as bad as he felt, he couldn’t let his emotions get in the way, that was a lesson that he had to learn the hard way with a heel going through his right hand.

The imp only glanced at the siblings and then went on his way, there was work to be done after all, and some sibling squabble wasn’t going to stop the thespian. Firstly, he needed to do an inventory to make sure everything was in order and if he was lucky, he could kill an hour by simply doing that.

The first part of the process was making sure that every gun was in its place and had not been stolen. If they had, well, Moxxie would have to fill out a lot of paperwork to report it missing since apparently Hell had pretty strict gun regulations. The thespian would have preferred doing this rather than pondering about his upcoming date with the Lord of the Flies and what it would entail.

Despite all that the imp tried to do, he couldn’t stop thinking about her. His mind was struck by both fear and fondness when thinking of his date, she seemed rather sweet, cheerful, and patient when she talked to him. But as with everything in the universe, there is always a counterbalance. Where he was rather excited and hopeful to see her once again, others gritted their teeth in horror at the mere mention of her name. Where he basked in her warm and kind light, others were burned by her hot and sad*stic fire. So, all in all, Bee was a complicated character, she was capable of undying loyalty if her relationship with Lucifer was anything to go by, but if you crossed her, you are as good as dead.

Before the imp knew it, the lunch break had come about and Moxxie was going to take advantage of it. The thespian went outside through the backdoors, reaching into his pockets and taking out a cheap packet of cigarettes. He put it to his mouth and lit it, inhaling and exhaling the bitter flavor of nicotine. The imp made himself comfortable on a border and then pulled out his phone and started going through it.

Moxxie gravitated towards Sinstagram where he went to Bee’s profile to scroll through it, most of the posts were of her parties and albums she released and that was about it. The only notable post he found on her profile was of a photo of the queen’s hand that emitted an intense almost blinding gold light and a caption that said “It did hurt when I fell from heaven”.

Before Moxxie could ponder what the post meant, he was interrupted by Mandy coming up to him with an excited childlike smile, in her hands were a packet of Belpha smokes and some beer.

“What?” the male imp asked, somehow disinterested until his boss’s daughter placed the item from her hand next to him. Moxxie inspected the item for a bit and then realized how expensive they were.

“What? Can’t I treat my favorite co-worker to some nice things?” the teenager asked in a casual tone that feigned ignorance to the allegations that were thrown her way. She was met with an unamused face that beckoned her to get to the point and not beat around the bush anymore.

“Well, you know I am a huge fan of Queen-Bee and I mean Huge, and imagine my surprise at the news posted on the Queen-Bee news page.” The imp explained,” First of all, she followed a rando and upon closer inspection, I realized I knew this nobody, it was you.” Mandy said with the tone of a detective who had cracked down on a case that has been frustrating the police for decades.

“Then, I saw some images that have been uploaded“ The imp pulled out her phone and shoved it in Moxxie’s face, looking at what was displayed frankly disturbed the thespian, on the phone there was a picture of him and Beelzebub going at it. The former mafioso was half disgusted with a photo being taken of him during such an intimate moment and was disgusted by the comments. Most of them were either “Wish I was them”, “I wish I could touch her ass” and even ”Random thought, but am I the only one who would want to bone the imp?” that comments were followed by people voicing the same frankly flattering and uncomfortable sentiment.

“May I ask, what is the point of telling me all of this?” the imp asked in a polite yet annoyed tone. Upon being hit with this question Mandy's facial muscles contracted into a wide smile.

“Well, I am glad you asked, I was thinking you could get me and some of my friends some private access to some of her concerts,” Mandy said

“First of all, no.” the thespian said while lifting his left finger “Second of all, I am not dating her, so even if I wanted, I doubt I could do that.” Moxxie lied, it was true that he wasn’t dating her, but it was also true that he had a date with her at 6. Moxxie was also pretty sure he could get some tickets if he asked the hybrid demoness.

“Oh, come on.” Mandy whined, “Help a sister out, it is hard enough to buy the tickets when they become available but when you factor in how f*cking expensive they are, it becomes impossible to buy one.” The female imp said.

“Again, no, I am sorry you can’t get your tickets but there is nothing I can do to help you,” Moxxie said as he put out his cigarette and began to head back in.

The last thing he heard from the teenager was “f*cking asshole”, Moxxie chuckled to himself, he wasn’t new to this kind of reaction when people didn’t get their way. His father was one of the finest examples, whenever something failed, he would find someone to direct his anger towards, be it staff, servants, or even a random guy on the street.

The thespian looked one last time at his phone to see what hour it was, the clock read twelve PM, so that meant his confrontation with Beelzebub would come about in about six hours. Moxxie chose to not ponder this any longer and went to clean the floor and then go to his cashier post.

The thespian was obviously taking his sweet time when mopping the floor, Satan knew that he would prefer cleaning sh*t rather than handling the counter. He had heard horror stories of nightmare customers and how they acted on earth and compared to Hell’s nightmare customers, they were nothing. The average difficult customer usually was either an imp or a sinner, if it was the first then Moxxie would have a good day if it was the latter then Moxxie would have to grin and bear it as the client insulted the imp for the slightest inconvenience.

Eventually, the former mafioso finished mopping the floors, sighed, said a small prayer to Satan, and then went to the counter to spend the rest of his shift as an emotional punching bag. The first hour was great, clients only came to pay for their guns or mattresses or both. Said peace lasted until a rather interesting character entered the shop, it was a sinner demon, her attitude reeked of everything Moxxie feared, narcissism, entitlement, and probably some anger issues sprinkled there just for fun.

Moxxie gulped as she started to approach him with an annoyed look on her face and an attitude that would make hell freeze. The imp braced himself for the encounter, sighed, and put on the fakest smile he could manage. The moment was finally upon the thespian, the lady opened her mouth and with what could be described as a combination of dragging your nails over a chalkboard and grating iron she spoke that also had the benefit of being so high that it almost went over the imp’s general hearing range.

“Excuse me, I would like to make a complaint.” The customer said with an awful voice that almost made the imp’s skeleton crawl out of his skin and run away to the sloth.

“How may I help you, miss?” Moxxie mustered up the will to ask with a smile that seemed to have been nailed to his face otherwise it would fall into a frown.

“I purchased this gun yesterday, that was advertised that it killed in one bullet.” The sinner explained while throwing a bloody pistol on the other side of the counter. ”Well, guess what? It doesn’t kill in one bullet, otherwise my husband would be dead.” She spat with venom in her.

“Miss, I have this one simple question, does your husband happen to be a sinner?” The thespian asked and was met with a nod” Well, I regret to inform you that a simple weapon won’t be able to permanently kill him, what would succeed in doing so would be a blessed weapon.” The imp explained with as much patience as possible trying to not sound condescending to not anger the customer in front of him.

“Where do I get this blessed weapon?” the sinner asked impatiently with a growl forming at the back of her mouth.

“I am afraid that the only way to acquire such weaponry is by getting one from an exorcist.” The imp replied, Moxxie knew that there were black markets that sold this kind of weaponry, heaven, he even held one and was shot by one in the shoulder. Now the degree of the purity of the blessing depended, there were such weapons that had been blessed by angels such as “Powers” that would do their job. There were also the weapons that had been blessed by either a “Seraphim” or “Ophanim” that also packed a deadly poison that would affect beings that were struck by such weapon and there was of course the on blessed by God himself which were so strong enough that only a high-ranking angel could handle their light.

“Are you f*cking kidding me? Are you just trying to steal my money, imp?” she shouted while glaring at Moxxie.

“No ma’am,”Moxxie said in the most calm and polite tone he could muster in hopes of making the customer calm down. This achieved the opposite result, the sinner got up in the thespian’s face and stared him dead in the eyes, muttered something under her breath, and then stomped off.

The imp breathed a sigh of relief and then checked his phone and saw what time it was, the clock read two PM, and the imp stared at the phone, his little date was looming over him ever so slightly.

Moxxie sighed and then prepared himself for the rest of the day that awaited him. Surprisingly, the next three hours and fifty minutes went surprisingly smoothly, he had not been interrupted while having a smoke break, and the customers were pretty civilized all things considered.

There were some minor hiccups with a few of the customers such as the imp who had unloaded a whole magazine of bullets into his hands and came back to complain, the thespian could only look perplexed as he wondered how someone managed to do this.

Another incident that happened was somebody who tried to load the ammunition straight into the barrel instead of loading it into the magazine, safe to say the thespian had spent the next hour explaining how to operate a firearm.

And then there was the break, the imp could see his coworker glaring at him with such visceral hatred that if looks could kill he would be dead.

After all has been said and done the imp only had ten minutes until the clock struck six PM. Moxxie began to wonder what would happen afterward, he knew who would come to pick him up and that it would probably raise unwanted attention. Moxxie’s train of thought was suddenly stopped before it could have even started by the difficult customer from earlier.

Moxxie was about to say something but stopped in his tracks when he saw the previous sinner customer holding a gun that was pointed at him. The thespian’s breath seemed to get stuck in his neck when he saw the unhinged expression on the sinner’s face.

“You f*cking stupid fire toad” the woman shouted at the imp, while gripping the gun’s handle harder “You f*cking steal from me and then try to pretend you didn’t.” the sinner seated with anger while a bit of foam came out of her mouth.

The thespian could feel his heart rate increase, his hair rising, and his tail stiffening, while he tried to brainstorm ways of coming out of this situation with no holes in his chest.

Before he could even let out a single word the woman opened her mouth once more” Here is what you are going to do, you are going to give me the money from the cash register and then show me how I can acquire a blessed weapon.”

Moxxie opened the cash register and then handed over the money to the crazed sinner once he did the gun was brought closer to his head and he was shot with an angry glare that could melt even demon steel.

“Now, show me where I can acquire one of those blessed weapons.” The sinner demanded while holding the thespian at gunpoint.

Moxxie wanted to tell her that he didn’t know, that it was impossible but part of him knew that would only make him become part of Hell’s essence. Even if he did show where she could acquiresuch a weapon that would only mean he would get dragged back into his previous criminal life, he knew that if he did such a thing his father would get wind of this and would rest at nothing to get his pawn under his leash again.

A feeling of immense hopelessness started to get a hold of the imp, either way he sliced it he would be either dead or wish he was dead. Moxxie started to think of all the things he hoped to do and knew he would never be able to do such as actually owning an apartment of his own, getting rid of that awful tattoo on his chest, and maybe becoming a musician.

The staring contest Moxxie was caught in suddenly ended when the sinner went from a serious and somewhat unhinged face to one of surprise and then sheer pain. The woman fell to the ground and started convulsing, foam coming out of her mouth, and the screams of intense agony were turned into muffles.

The thespian looked at her in shock as she started to spit out her own blood, although upon closer inspection the blood had gold tint to it and had a slight glow to it. After what seemed like a terrifying eternity the sinner finally stopped convulsing and went limp.

Moxxie was sh*tting bricks at that moment, he was wondering what in the seven rings of Hell could have caused this to happen to the women. The thespian got his answer when he saw the cause of the attack on the sinner.

Standing at the door was the so-called False God, in a knee-length purple and royal co*cktail split dress with an extension that had a white-to-yellow gradient in the interior with a beehive pattern running across it while also running across the floor. Looking at the upper side, Moxxie could see how the dress barely covered her breasts held together by three strings that each went to the opposite shoulder they were at, and how a diamond-shaped split ran across from the lower abdomen to the split between her breasts.

The imp had finally gazed upon her face and was surprised by how different it looked from the last time he had seen it. She now had five eyes, one that ran across the middle of her face, her normal eyes, and two smaller eyes. Each of them glowed a bright shade of cyan and pink. Complimenting this blinding triad was her cyan hair which now seemed to resemble more of a fire than normal hair. Moxxie had at last noticed her floating crown that seemed to be tidally locked with her head, it was a five pointed crown, with three black ones, two at the beginning one at the middle and five pink ones in between. On the lower side of the crown extended another three pink points facing downwards.

After what seemed like an eternity of staring Moxxie was snapped out of it by the somewhat calming voice of Bee “Like what you see?” she asked teasingly as she started to close the distance between her and her date.

The imp stuttered and tried to give a response but was cut off before he could even do that “I am just messing with ya.” She said as she gave him a wink before adopting a more serious expression and examining the imp looking for any possible injuries “Dropping the banter for a second, are you ok, did that sinner hurt you?” she asked with evident worry in her voice.

Moxxie couldn’t understand why she was worried, they had barely met and if he was honest he didn’t believe that he was worth the worry. ”I am fine“ the thespian said as he rubbed the back of his head. The fox took one more look at him seemingly analyzing him from top to bottom and finally determined he was telling the truth

“Alrighty then, then let's f*cking go and have one wild night,” Bee said as she brought the imp closer and seemingly prepared to leave.

“Wait” the imp half shouted,”I can’t just leave while I am on the clock, I will get fired,” Moxxie explained. Beelzebub looked at him somewhat confused and then seemingly got an idea and began to walk towards the employee area of the store.

Moxxie stood petrified as the Queen of the Ars Goetia entered the employee area, seemingly to talk to his Boss. The thespian began to worry about what fate would befall Bob if he angered the Sin Lord.

After what seemed like forever the Queen finally exited the backrooms and headed towards her date with a clear smirk on her face ”You are free to go for today and the rest of the week.” The hybrid said as she took Moxxie by the hand and asked him “Want to take a shortcut?” the imp could only nod before he felt himself disappear and appear.

Moxxie inspected his surroundings and found himself in what could only be considered a monster of a living room, it was approximately three times the size of Blitz’s condo. Inspecting it closely revealed a modern yet royal aesthetic to it, the room had windows plastered all along its left side and a kitchen connected to the right side, taking about a third of the room and making it by far the biggest kitchen he had ever seen.

Before the thespian could marvel at the beautiful modern yet royal architecture he was interrupted by the Queen Bee” Welcome to my humble little home, also known as the Volare Solis castle” the archdemon said casually while she adopted a thinking position seemingly trying to remember something “Ah, right almost forgot” Bee said as she snapped her finger, and something appeared on the couch that was just a few feet away.

Before the imp could ponder what that was, he saw his date starting to undress “I am going to take a shower brb” she said casually as she threw her clothes on the floor and started walking naked towards a hallway at the other end of the room, as she reached the hallway and made a turn for the first door she turned to the imp ”I am going to be in here for at least twenty minutes so domus mea est domus tua.”

The archdemon finally closed the door and a few short seconds later heard the water starting to run, despite all of this Moxxie’s mind was still stuck on the mental image of a naked Bee, the imp try as he might couldn’t get her out of his head. After that, the imp began to wonder why would Bee do that, was she teasing him? Was she making fun of him? Was she trying to get him to sleep with her?

Moxxie chose to not ponder this any longer and decided to reluctantly head towards the kitchen area part of the room and start to loom through the fridge. The thespian was left speechless upon gazing inside the fridge, everything inside was of the highest quality, things that would be considered expensive by most of the populace of hell were just scattered in the fridge without a care in the world.

The thespian decided he should take advantage of this opportunity and grabbed some ingredients to make himself a quick dinner. He started by carefully taking out a pan, putting it on the electric stove and staring at it. While the pan was heating the imp took out three eggs and then cracked them in a bowl and started mixing them and adding salt and pepper. After that, he turned the inside of the bowl into the pan and in a few short minutes got himself a killer omelette with a creamy interior and a fluffy exterior. Adding on top of that he made himself some bacon to go along with it and as an added bonus he made himself a dessert that consisted of some pancakes with luxalum jam.

Before the imp went to eat his only meal of the day he went to the sink and washed his hands, Moxxie turned around and saw the sin of gluttony in a bathrobe with a towel wrapped around her hair eating what he had just made with her face having gone back to its usual form.

“Has anyone told you that you know how to cook?” The queen asked between bites. ”In case you haven’t, I will tell ya, your co*cking is the f*cking bomb.”

The imp looked at her not sure whether to blush due to the compliment or to be offended that she was eating what he had prepared. Beelzebub noticed this and asked teasingly “Want some?” while a smirk ran across her face, the thespian nodded and went towards her.

“Can I have my food back?” the imp asked in a semi-annoyed tone while having an air of shyness that surrounded him. The fox looked at him lustfully and gestured for him to open his mouth, Moxxie obeyed and then he saw Bee bring the fork with the food to his mouth ensuring he could bite. As the thespian was prepared to bite down, the Queen pulled the fork away and then bit down upon it. Without even realizing it, Moxxie was now close enough to Bee that he could feel her breath, the archdemon closed the distance even further, seemingly wanting to initiate a kiss but pulled back just before their lips met.

Her face had a teasing smile and a look on her face that conveyed two emotions, being one of impatience as if she wanted to jump him and keep him for herself, the other being one of longing.

“I am going to go change for our date, I recommend you do the same considering you don’t want to go into the most important part of the pride ring with a shirt that says ‘f*ck Beelzebub’” the false god said with a giggle and a smile on her face as she started walking towards her personal quarters.

The imp looked at her dumbfounded and started to wonder where this magic set of clothes that he was supposed to change into and then he remembered that Bee had manifested something on the couch on the other side of the room.

The thespian dashed towards it and saw a set of clothes not so different from the ones he used to wear when working for his father except they had a dark blue as the main colour with a yellow bowtie that had beehive patterns on it and buttons that shared the same design.

Moxxie ditched his old clothes and put on these brand-new ones, to say they were peak quality was the understatement of the century, they felt as if you were wearing a cloud and had a sweet slightly burnt marshmallow with chocolate smell subtly radiating from it. Moxxie walked around for a bit to get comfortable in his new wardrobe.

The thespian decided to admire the immense room he was in while waiting for his date. The more Moxxie observed the more he started to admire the splendor of the room, he could see some bookshelves that displayed books that seemed to be ancient, some of them not even being written on pen and paper.

The imp began to be enamored by the simple yet elegant architecture of the room, several elements defined modern architecture. The robust structures, such as the walls had pieces of wood scattered evenly across them. imestone walls that meet at the entrance of the main door of the room, and the granite floor that had a yellowish tint to it. Scattered across the center of the floor was a big couch that was made from expensive leather, a gigantic TV that took up nearly half of the wall, and a dent in the wall that seemed to house game consoles along with their respective controllers. Sitting just in front of the couch and chair that came along with it was a wooden coffee table that was sitting on an expensive carpet.

The thespian proceeded to move to sit on the couch and saw what looked like a document, giving a glance the imp saw things such as “Government funds to the sewage system of the Gluttony ring”, “Stolas’s & Bathin’s monthly report on the flora in the East side of the Gluttony ring “Hellhoundadoption rates and estimation for the next decade”, “Monthly ball of the nine houses of the Ars Goetia”. Moxxie quickly looked away from it, not wanting to get into trouble and anger Beelzebub from looking through her belongings.

The imp decided to stand still and wait for his date, he stood for what seemed like an eon waiting in anticipation for the Queen to return. After twenty or so minutes, Beelzebub finally showed up, to say she was stunning was insulting.

She was wearing a dark blue long split dress that went over one shoulder, had some jewels scattered across her body, a necklace with what seemed like a priceless gem that was held together with a gold string, some gold piercings in her ear, and some rather large gold hand bracelets.

Analyzing her further, the imp could see the hypnotic movement inside her lava hair and tail and its emerging patterns that looked like hearts. The silence was broken by the imp “You look good” Moxxie said somewhat sly and then cringed at himself mentally due to how creepy and weird that must have sounded to the fox-insectoid hybrid.

“Yea, pretty hot stuff heh.” The Queen Bee said as she struck a pose to accentuate more of her curvy body. Bee then inspected the imp top to bottom and said ”You don’t look too bad yourself, cutie pie” as she bit her lip and made her way towards the imp.

The height difference was made apparent when Queen Bee towered over the imp and shot him a wink “Alrighty, now that all this bullsh*t has been taken care of let’s go have a bitch ass good night”. Bee then opened a portal to what looked like the pride ring and then gestured to the little imp to follow her.

Once passing through the portal the imp inspected his surroundings and saw that they were just outside of the Dives part of the first circle of the pride ring. Now that part of the first circle of hell was purely for the elites such as the Ars Goetia or other more obscure demon hierarchies, the only way an imp could even hope to enter that side of town was if they worked at one of the places located there.

Even so, working there sometimes proved to be a nightmare due to the general attitude of the people toward the lower class, abuse was something that was expected from their masters.

“Your maje..” the imp stopped himself remembering Beelzebub’s preference to not be called by her royal title “Beelzebub, I don’t think I am allowed in there,” Moxxie said with some concern in his voice.

The fallen-seraphim looked at him funny and then switched to an expression of amusem*nt “Is that so? Do you think some puny knights will want to play with the big dogs?” Bee said as they neared the entrance to the luxurious side of the first circle.

Moxxie and his date were near the fence that separated the two sides of town, upon observation the thespian could see the fine craftsmanship of the fence. Stationed at the entrance gate were two knights in what looked like a mix of Gothic and medieval armour, the knights looked first at the imp and looked as if they were ready to impale him for having dared approach this part but then they looked at the Head of the Serpent also known as Beelzebub.

The two stationed knight demur went from confident and sure of their power to a scared little girl who was about to wet the bed “Your majesty.” They said they as kneeled and leaned on their swords “What is it that you want us to do? Is this lowly creature bothering you, do you want us to get rid of it?”

The false god looked at them with a cold gaze that conveyed an emotion of pure and utter disdain “You will do no such thing.” The Queen ordered in a tone that could make the mightiest of empires fall, and the biggest of stars fade within a mere second. The knight flinched at the calm yet venomous words that had been spotted at them “Let us in” The head of the order of the Fly said coldly, her subordinates did as they were ordered and opened the gate, letting the imp and archdemon in.

Once they were within the Divies area, Bee said “Can you believe those f*cking limp dicks? They stay there, judging others as if they aren’t mongrels themselves, I swear to the bowls of the eight rings this noble blood makes everybody into an unlikeable bitch.” The Queen Bee said, irritated.

The thespian looked around a bit and admired the surroundings when he suddenly felt something grab him. Bee grabbed his hand with the left of her upper arms, Moxxie could feel a slight grip coming down on his hand, it wasn’t necessarily painful it felt more protective.

The archdemon looked around and did not seem pleased, her expression was that of a scowl and disgust when looking at the inhabitant. Moxxie decided to break the silence “You don’t like other noble demons, don’t you?” he asked somewhat awkwardly not being sure if this was a good conversation starter.

“No doy, these rich f*ckers are literally the bane of my existence.” She said while letting out a short giggle “Like I can’t stand half of these people, most of them aren’t even the original demons, they just hold a name that entitles them to a title that a fallen comrade of ours once had.”

“If I may ask, what happened to the original ones?” Moxxie asked intrigued.

“Most of them died when we were about to go to war with heaven a second time, the only ones who are the real deal are three dukes and three queens and six kings and then there was Abeze-...” The Queen stopped before she could finish that word, Moxxie could see that a feeling of sadness and quilt took over her by how her shoulder tensed up her face contorted into a frown with some tears daring to escape her eyes.

The thespian honestly didn’t know what to do, he doubted that talking with her would make her feel better, so he elected to just match her grip on her hand and close the distance between them.

Moxxie efforts didn’t go unnoticed, the archdemon looked at him and gave him a tired smile as if she was gathering all of her powers to smile but couldn’t give a whole smile “Why am I tearing up this is so f*cking stupid?” she said while giving out a laugh and wiping away her tears as to not ruin her makeup.

The imp wanted to say something, anything but was at a loss of words. He didn’t know what he could say to make Bee feel better, so he elected to just not say anything.

The Queen wiped away the last of her tears and seemingly switched back to her more cheery personality “ Anyway, now that I am done crying like a bitch, are you ready to feast your eyes and stomach on the best restaurant in all of Hell?” Bee asked, the imp could only nod.

“Then I present to you, the delightful, lavish, elegant malum mundi.” Beelzebub said fully being back to her hyperactive personality as she started to present to her date the place where they would eat.

When the thespian finally saw the restaurant, Moxxie’s face fell to the floor, it was eight stories high, decorated from top to bottom with expensive material such as gold, silver and what looked like the Abaddonian CrimsonWood the first floor had a dull red illuminating it, and the following colours on the ascending floors were pink, purple, blue, green, orange, yellow and a bright red.

Bee and Moxxie quickly made their way inside and instead of being seated where other people were eating they were escorted to an elevator and upon entering it the Queen Bee hit a yellow button. The doors closed and the elevator started moving upwards.

When the doors were finally opened, the imp’s eyes were feasted upon what the thespian could only assume was his date’s private floor. “So where do you want to sit? Balcony or inside? Either way it’s cool” Bee asked.

“I would like to sit on the balcony if you don’t mind,” the imp said shyly, the fox shrugged and then guided the imp to a table for two in the middle of a large balcony, sitting on the table was a bouquet of roses.

The Queen Bee reached for the bouquet and then offered it to Moxxie “Here ya go my little bitch boy.” Bee said in an affectionate yet teasing tone, the imp grabbed the bouquet and brought it close to his nose to smell it ”They are edible if ya want to try.” Bee said as she pulled out the imp’s chair and then gestured for him to sit after the imp was seated at the table, the fox-bug hybrid pulled out her chair and sat at the table.

The imp looked at them while still holding the roses and muttered “Thanks for this, you didn’t have to do this” the imp said hoping to not come off as ungrateful or rude.

“Nonsense, this is your first date who the f*ck knows when you ought to be spoiled a bit,” Beelzebub said while winking at the imp and then manifesting two menus.

Moxxie glanced at the menu and then realized that the cheapest item on the menu was a fifty thousand souls stake” Your maje.. Beelzebub, I can’t afford this, I barely make half of this in a year” the imp said while pointing at the menu.

The fox insectoid hybrid smiled at him “Don’t worry your cute little brain about the cost, everything is on the house.” Bee explained while leaning into her fancy yet comfortable chair, the thespian opened his mouth to object but was stopped by Bee ”Look, dude, the total cost of the meal will be like spare pennies for me.” She said reassuringly while grabbing his hand.

Moxxie obliged and started scouring the menu, most of the stuff there were dishes he wouldn’t have ever hoped to even come into proximity within his lifetime. Thus, the imp had arrived at a dilemma, he didn’t know what to order, the thespian looked at his date and then asked ”What would you recommend?”.

Bee took her eyes off her menu and then established eye contact with him “ \Well, if ya wanted my opinion, I think you should go for some cotton candy” She said while winking at him, Moxxie’s expression then was taken over by a blush “But if you want to pass on that I recommend some risotto with some steak and red wine “ Beelzebub said more casually.

The thespian stared at the fallen seraphim for a while as she looked through the menu and then decided to try to break the ice between them “So, how was your day?” Moxxie asked as casually as he could.

The Queen of Gluttony looked at him curiously and then had an expression of amusem*nt on her face “Heh” she chuckled “It was f*cking horrible, matter of factly all of my week was sh*tty and sucked ass but I already told you that yesterday so there is no point in redoing that conversation” Bee said as she toyed around with some napkins “But I do wonder why are wetalking so much about me? Come on cutie pie, talk. We should get to know each other.” She said rather fast.

“Uhmm” the imp paused for a second as if he hadn’t expected this question “Uhm, well nothing particularly significant happened to me today besides the hangover that I have got from drinking at your party.” The imp explained.

The archdemon looked at him with a sly smile “I think somebody trying to kill you should count as something significant.” She let out a laugh as she was saying this and was swiftly followed by one from her date.

“Well, I am pretty used to being threatened so it is no big deal,” the former mafioso said casually. This only served to stoke the flame of curiosity that set within Beelzebub, her curiosity was awakened and her desire to learn more about this imp was set.

“How might such a cutie pie even find himself in this kind of situation?” she asked casually, trying not to overstep and make her date uncomfortable.

“Well, it is a funny story,” Moxxie said nervously as he scratched his cheek, “You see I...” the imp stopped realizing he had dug himself into a hole that he couldn’t get out of. Instead, he chose to keep the story very brief and general “I used to run around with the wrong crowd and got myself in a lot of trouble”.

The insectoid fox looked at him skeptically, knowing fully well that the imp was avoiding going into detail. ”Whatever you say sugar ass” she said teasingly and dropped the subject. She elected to find another topic of conversation that they could both participate in.

“Say, I remember you saying that you liked music,” Bee said.

Moxxie’s perked up and opened his mouth “I do, I find myself to be a fan of classical arts and opera, but I do enjoy listening to rock from time to time.” the thespian explained.

“Classical arts and rock, huh?” the false god said intrigued.

“Yeah, when I was younger, I used to like listening to heavy metal,” Moxxie said letting out a little chuckle, seemingly a bit embarrassed about this fact. He wasn’t as big of a fan anymore, but he still found himself going back to his roots from time to time.

“Sadly, when I was young there wasn’t rock, hell there wasn’t even any other music other than holy choir.” She said, “My first few millennia of existence were spent listening to it on repeat, it f*cking sucked.” Bee said irritated

“So there was no other music and you had to always sing?” the imp asked curiously, seemingly intrigued by the Fallen-Seraphim's past.

“Yea, but on a positive note, me and Luci used to slack off a lot and Father didn’t ever say a word, so it’s all good.” the Queen Bee said in a fond tone “We used to always go on mischievous adventures, there was that one time when we hid Michael’s sword in Uriel’s hut and then they almost started a war in heaven.” She said while giggling, satisfied with her mischievous actions.

“Oh, and there was that one time when me and Luci assisted Him in the creation of the earth’s creatures, and to no one’s surprise, I created the whole insectoid family.” She said proudly, the thespian’s curiosity grew.

It all culminated in one question that he had asked on impulse “How was God?” the imp asked, almost immediately regretting doing that in fear of angering the Archdemon.

Bee looked surprised at the question but then shrugged “Well, to start off, He played favorites a lot, like I can’t count the number of times I got into trouble and my punishment was basically ‘You know how she is’” the Queen of Gluttony explained.

“So you were the golden child?” Moxxie asked amused, trying to make a joke that he was sure would fall flat.

To his surprise, Bee chuckled ”Yea, Yea, I know, the irony of having the first-ever golden child in the place of so-called unconditional love .”She said letting out a smile, the imp stared at her smile and couldn’t help to be mesmerized, her smile was so beautiful, it could make even the darkest of hearts lighten up, it was as if he was staring into a warm sun that didn’t hurt to look at and only offer comfort and kindness.

Their conversation was interrupted when a waiter came by “Hello Your Majesty” they said while bowing and pulling out a note pad” What would you like to order for tonight?” the waiter imp asked with a hint of nervousness.

“Uhmm” Bee said as she was scratching her chin “I would like some lobster with Caesar salad on the side and my date would like some steak with risotto” the Queen ordered “And on top of that add in a bottle of red wine for him and a white one for me.” She finished and with that, the waiter finished writing down and went on his way.

After the waiter left, Bee manifested a pack of cigarettes seemingly out of thin air, she then put one in her mouth and then it lit itself on fire “Want one?” Bee asked, the thespian could only nod.

The Queen of Gluttony extended the packet towards her date, the imp grabbed it, picked up a cigarette, and put it in his mouth and then it lit itself on fire. The thespian extended the packet back, but the Queen Bee gestured for Moxxie to keep it.Upon closer inspection the packet revealed itself to be coated in a thin layer of gold with a beehive pattern on it, the design that was display was a stylized bull with fum coming out of its nose with the brand name being ‘Mofumes’. Written below was from ‘Moloch industries for the Queen of Gluttony with her sigil being present on the packet. ’

“Where were we?” the sin lord asked in a teasing yet rhetorical manner “Ah yes, music, so tell me sugar buns, what instrument do you play?”

“Uhmm, guitar,” the imp said, before a guitar manifested out of nowhere in his lap. Said guitar was made from polished dark oak wood with a pattern of silver and gold running all over it, and in the middle of it was the sigil of Beelzebub.

“Go on play, I should get a feel of how good you are with your hands,” she said while leaning on her hand letting out her tongue for a bit.

The thespian looked at her and hesitated for a bit but then relented and started playing, the particular tune he was playing was rather grim, the imp played and remained solely focused on not messing up and making an ass of himself.

Moxxie played for what seemed like an eternity before he finally stopped, when he looked back at his date she opened her mouth and spoke ”Damn, you got mad skills, mad props to you” she said in a cheery tone, an overwhelming storm of feelings took over the imps and manifested themselves as a blush, it didn’t help when Bee added ”Maybe, we can put those finger skills to good use tonight if ya want” in a sly yet lustful tone.

While the imp was flattered at the sexual and romantic advance that the Queen Bee was making due to it being a once in a lifetime opportunity, he couldn’t help but be a little uncomfortable with it. Don’t get him wrong he didn’t mind her making them from time to time but, it felt like she was making one once every sentence., despite all of that he wouldn’t say a word, and he was a fool to do so.

“Now that you have played for me, I think it would be fair I return the favor.” The sin lord said while looking at the imp with anticipation. The imp expected her to sing something more akin to what she usually did but to his surprise, he elected to sing something more akin to an opera singer.

To say that her voice was beautiful and hypnotic would be an insult, in reality, her voice felt to the ear like you could hear the sweet taste that she so often associates herself with while encased in a blanket of something like her fur. The more one listened to it, the more they lost themselves, it felt like approaching an event horizon of a black hole and becoming part of it.

When the Queen of Gluttony finally finished, she was met with an awed imp that looked at her like she was some sort of goddess, her expression went from satisfaction and pride to one of worry and embarrassment.

“I…this, I,..ah.” The thespian stuttered and tried to find some words, the imp recomposed and then looked at her and with the sincerest voice “That was divine, if I were to call it beautiful it would be an insult to you.”

The archdemon looked at him and for a moment she looked flustered and at a loss for words but that look on her face was quickly buried and was replaced with her usual demeanor “It’s no big deal, to be quite frank, I think that you should reserve this flattery for somebody who deserves this.” Bee said in her casual yet playful tone ”Like I didn’t work for this voice, I was given it, I didn’t put in the time to learn how to sing, I just knew from the moment I burst into existence.”

Moxxie looked at her and couldn’t help but feel sorry, was that the reason she restricted her voice so much? It seemed rather depressing, to feel unworthy of such a core aspect of oneself. The thespian thought of anything to change the conversation, anything at all, and then remembered something ”Hey, do you want to come by the place I live and cook something with me next week?” the thespian asked.

The Queen of Gluttony's face seems to gain a smirk alongside a smug expression “Oh, you already can’t get enough of me, can’t blame you though.” Bee said, “But if ya want my help, we will be doing it at my place since you know, having a big ass kitchen with products that cost a sh*t ton of money”. Moxxie only nodded in agreement.

The former mafioso was surprised that Bee accepted his proposition and invited him to her home, he couldn’t understand why even if his life depended on it. He couldn’t understand why she would waste her time with him, he wasn’t much to look at, he wasn’t really good at carrying out conversation and in his opinion, he was damaged goods, he had too much baggage.

The archdemon pulled out her phone and then began scrolling through it “Well, the first three days are filled with meetings and completing a sh*t ton of paperwork, Thursday I go to Ozzie’s to perform there since I promised him and that leaves Friday, Saturday or Sunday.” The Queen said “If ya want, we can do this whole cooking thing for the three days I am free. Ya could spend the nights at my place since I have a sh*t ton of guest bedrooms.” The thespian was somehow surprised that she hadn’t suggested him sharing a bed with her “Or you could straight up sleep with me, I don’t mind” ‘There it was’ the imp thought.

“I will think about it,” Moxxie said as he was questioning whether or not he should spend the weekend with her. A part of him told him to do so, that it would be fun and they would probably get to know each other better plus he probably would get the best sleep in his life yet the pessimistic side of him said to not rush things, to question why she was suggesting this, what was her endgame? she couldn’t do this because she liked him and wanted to spend time with him, no, she must want something from him.

Before the imp had any chance to think about it a smell caressed his nose, the origin of the smell was quickly located when the two waiters came with their food. They placed it down and then opened the wine bottles and poured some into their glasses.

“This smells amazing” the thespian exclaimed, he took one more sniff and then almost dug in before he saw his date place a napkin on her lap and eye him funny.

“For someone who likes this fancy stuff, you sure don’t know a lot about it,” Bee exclaimed amused.

“Oh right, I meant to do that.” The imp chuckled and then followed in the Queen’s footsteps. Moxxie began to cut his beef and before he could even take a bite, he saw the sin lord just break a claw off the lobster and then throw it in her mouth without as much as getting rid of the carapace. “Look who is talking now, the one who just hurled a claw into her mouth without as much as cleaning it up a bit.” The thespian said in an unusual casual and amused voice.

“Hey, I never pretended to like this whole fancy bullsh*t, I see no reason why I should waste something as tasty as its exterior.” She said in a playful bickering tone “Honestly, you should try it.” Bee said as she extended the half-eaten claw towards the imp.

“ Ehh noo,” Moxxie exclaimed in an overexaggerated tone while he was laughing at the fox playfully shoving the claw up the thespian’s face.

“Come on do it” the sin lord said joking tone while still smearing the food across her date’s face. “No,” Moxxie said while bringing up his arm to protect himself from the food assault.
“Come on, come on, come on, “ the Queen Bee chanted in a playful manner.

“Ok, ok, I will do it” the former mafioso-turned-shop cashier giggled and relented, grabbed the claw, and then took a bite out of it. To say that it was an assault upon Moxxie’s mouth would be disingenuous, it was horrible, and he was pretty sure he almost broke a tooth. “It was horrible how do you even eat this?” the thespian spit out the food in a napkin while still giggling.

“Well, first of all, I have tastes unlike you” the queen said in an overly sarcastic manner” Second of all, we have pretty different digestive systems, I can pretty much eat anything while you get sick if you eat something with a little mold on it.” After saying this Bee quickly got back to eating her meal alongside her date.

Most of the time spent dining was in silence with a few glances from Bee that ranged from amused or silly to seductive. The imp had spent his time either savoring the meal or staring for a few seconds at the Queen of Gluttony.

When they were finally done eating the imp had set down his tableware on the plate, after doing so he had a bit of a chit-chat with his date while waiting for the waiter to come and collect their plates.

When finally arriving, said waiter had picked up the plates but as he was about to leave, they were about to leave when motioned by Bee to stop ”Add in three lava cakes, one cheesecake, one black forest cake.”

“Isn’t that a bit much, won’t you get sick from eating so much?” Moxxie asked a bit worried.

“Don’t you worry your cute ass about me, I can clear out an entire restaurant and not break a sweat.” Bee said as she laid back on her chair and relaxed.

“How is that?” the thespian asked curiously.

“Perks of being a Seraphim I guess.” She said in a nonchalant voice while shrugging. A thought crossed the imp’s mind, a thought that had been given root and spread in a matter of seconds ‘Does she have wings?’.

If so, she should have six wings, three on each side, Moxxie began to imagine how her wings would look, he imagined them to be pearly white and intimidating in size, stature, and any other aspects.

The imp gathered some courage and dared to ask one simple question ”Do you still have them?” the imp asked shyly and partially afraid, he worried this would sour the mood but despite all of this curiosity got the better of him.

The archdemon looked confused, not being sure what ‘them’ meant, the thespian seemed to have noticed her confusion and then gestured to his back.

Bee looked for a few seconds and she finally understood “Oh, you are asking if I still have my angelic wings, right?” she asked not bothered at all by this, which the thespian found to be a relief ”Nah, I don’t have the little buggers anymore, cut them off, would kinda defeat my whole motive for rebelling if I still kept them” the Queen Bee explained.

Moxxie looked at the Queen a bit worried and then voiced it “Didn’t it hurt?”.

“I mean yea, but you know all this bullsh*t is in the past so, it doesn’t really matter” Bee said casually with a hint of an uncomfortable tone emanating from her voice. “But to be honest, I like the bug wings better, they are wayyy prettier.” she said in a cheery tone with the clear goal of moving away from the talk about her past.

“Anywayyy, you know the other day I had somebody hit up my Dms on sinstagram asking me for my bath water, how ridiculous is that?” the fallen Angel recalled, all too calm and amused for a situation like this.

The thespian looked a bit concerned,”Doesn’t it bother you that happened? Seems rather intrusive.”

“Eh” she shrugged off the question “Comes with the whole being a popstar and monarch of a ring job.” She explained casually, seemingly having made peace with the fact that this was going to be a part of her life.

The imp accepted the answer, knowing that it was none of his business how the Queen dealt with the populace. Despite all of this, Moxxie couldn’t grasp how Bee was just so calm about this, how come she doesn’t mind all the creeps that message her or that don’t know any boundaries? Or maybe she does mind it but doesn’t complain since she is so used to having these types of people around that she is just silent.

The former mafioso stared at the archdemon and almost opened his mouth to continue his conversation when his suitor’s phone rang. The Queen Bee looked annoyed, muttered something under her breath that Moxxie couldn’t understand, and answered the phone.

“Queen Beelzebub, what is it?” the archdemon said seemingly not having the patience to entertain or even have a somehow pleasant conversation with whoever called her. Bee listened to what the caller had to say with the same annoyed expression on her face.

“Well, this is unprecedented, ask Stolas to see the soil composition and see if it has been contaminated, if it has been filed in a report and I will look over it.” She said in a chilly tone that displayed no other emotion than authority “After that, start the procedure to eliminate the invasive plant species that has been ruining the flora.”

Moxxie looked at his suitor curious about what was being discussed, the Queen stood quiet with a stoic face and listened, waiting for her subject to finish “It matters little to me if you encounter hardships, you have been given a job and I expect said job to be completed within the time frame I have established for you and your colleague.” The Queen of Gluttony said in a commanding tone that left no space for discussion.

The thespian could feel that the atmosphere was getting denser the more she talked to the caller, it seemed that slowly and slowly her temper was being stoked, and said temper began to affect the world surrounding her.

Moxxie had also learned that when Bee got angry, she began to glow, and her wings started to get bigger and start emanating light to the point that it was hard to look at her. Her lava stomach along with her lava hair also began to display this mood shift by becoming more agitated, getting brighter, and beginning to heat up.

“Duke Bathin need I remind you that this is the second time you have failed to complete your assigned task and fulfill your duty to the Goetia family?” the archdemon spat with venom “I will no longer tolerate this kind of incompetence. As such if you fail to meet the deadline, I will have no other choice than to change your post from the Pride ring to Limbo.”

Moxxie could imagine the blood draining from the Duke’s face and leaving his body altogether, he felt a little bad for the former Grand Duke.

The thespian attention was drawn to the Queen closing the phone and sighing heavily “f*cking piece of sh*t nobles, trying to bullsh*t and lie to me to get out of doing their jobs. Why can’t that whiny ass take an example from his project partner, Stolas at least never f*cking complains and does his job fast and really well.” Bee ranted “To be completely f*cking honest, I kinda feel bad for sticking Pai Pai’s kid with that lazy lump of a Duke.”

“What was that all about?” Moxxie asked in a gentle voice trying to lend an ear to the Queen.

“Apparently, that lazy asshole wasn’t feeling well, and he didn’t think he could fulfill his part of the job. What he doesn’t know is that I can see his social media updates and guess what? He was in the envy ring partying last night.” She vented further seemingly exasperated with having to deal with this.

“I swear to my father I can’t wait for his brat to be competent enough to take their father’s post.” Bee said seemingly waiting with delight for that day.

“You don’t seem to like him.” the imp pointed out the obvious

“No doy, that guy is lazy, is the definition of a misogynistic manchild, is still at an average level when it comes to magic, never mind that he is four hundred years old and also he tried to start a revolution to reshape the Ars Goetia hierarchy.” The insectoid fox demoness explained as she took the untouched wine bottles from the table and downed them “The only reason I haven’t had him executed or worse is that his brat isn’t at a level to replace him.”

“That seems like a lot, but is his punishment going to be cruel or are you just going to banish him?” the thespian asked filled with a morbid curiosity, he knew that answer would be gruesome and probably pretty cruel if Beelzebub’s track record was anything to go by

“You bet your ass it will be, nobody f*cking crosses me and gets away with it, as for what his punishment will be, probably throw him into limbo and then in purgatory.” The demon Queen said with a cherry and half-baked sad*stic smile. A shiver went down his spine while thinking of what would happen if he crossed Bee if their relationship got serious “Anyway, never mind those pompous asses, let’s get back to our little date.”

The thespian nodded, eager to move on,due to not wanting to hear any more about horrible punishments. The imp examined the almost empty wine bottles and picked one to pour into his empty glass. The glass was barely a quarter filled when the flow stopped.

Moxxie accepted that this would probably be all that he gets to drink and wasn’t that bothered by it, that was until the glass went from barely having any wine to being full to the brim.

“Here ya go, sorry for drinking your bottle if ya want more tell me.” Bee said and made the former mafioso question Bee, why does she buy food when she can materialize it out of thin air? It seemed rather redundant..

Moxxie looked at the filled glass, examined it, and then turned his attention toward the Queen Bee ” can materialize food out of nowhere?” the imp asked confused.

“Pretty much but it doesn’t stop at food, I can basically make everything out of thin air. Ain’t that hard, at least for me.” She said casually not seeing the big deal.

“Uhm, then why do you buy food?” the thespian asked perplexed.

“Well, mostly boredom this whole nigh-omnipotence business gets kinda boring. Like I Could make myself food but that would be boring I would know what to expect and after a short while I would get bored of it but when somebody else makes it, I have no idea what to expect, and that gives a little funk to my eternity.” Bee explained, and with that explanation came a thought in Moxxie’s head ‘What is it like to be immortal?’ the imp struggled to grasp the concept, life became monotonous after barely one hundred years, the thespian didn’t dare imagine how it would be after eons.

The thespian looked at her as she continued to talk “Like people look at me like I am crazy when I am saying that being a demi-god isn’t all that cracked up to be, I mean sure you get to not worry about trivial things such as mortality but after a while being immortal is just boring and don’t get me started on how f*cking boring it is to have to will yourself a reaction from a substance such as drugs, alcohol, and other sh*t.” The Queen narrated.

Moxxie was sure that his date would have rambled more about this topic but that was not to be, the desert had finally arrived. The cakes were far bigger than the imp had imagined them to be, each one of them filled an entire plate barely even being able to keep the food onto said plate.

The imp glanced at his date seeing her wearing an all too excited expression when eyeing the sweets, the thespian could tell that the insectoid fox demon queen was ready to devour the sweets the minute she had the opportunity to do so.

Once the desert was placed down Bee took a piece of cake and started devouring it, having an expression of pure ecstasy on her face. It became apparent to Moxxie that Beelzebub had quite the sweet tooth, which he thought was extremely adorable.

The former mafioso turned his attention to the lava cake Bee had ordered for him, he inspected it for a bit, poking it, and then decided to dig in. Once doing so, the imp hurried and started to stuff his face with more cake.

“You like it don’t ya?” she asked rhetorically “Can’t blame ya, best cake in all of Hell.” Bee affirmed while taking a bite out of her lava cake. “Let me tell you a little secret, the chocolate is grown near thesulfur lake that most of us were trapped in after the rebellion. The plant absorbs the strong demonic and divine energy, and they form a “balance” that gives it this amazing taste.” The fox took another bite ”Now of course, this powerful primordial magic is also used for armor, weapons, sigils, spells, and other sh*t that I won’t mention”

“So, is this how those angelic demonic weapons are made?” the imp asked curiously, he knew of such weapons but they were more of a myth due to the fact that combining angelic and demonic magic usually resulted in annihilation.

“Yeah, pretty cool, eh? But I can sense you asking, how do you combine magic that is meant to counteract each other? The answer is kinda simple, the caster who performs the ritual needs to either be a high-ranking angel, a demon created in the heart of hell which is the sulfur lake, or a primordial beast such as Levi.” Bee clarified.

“If that is the case, could you show me an example of the blending magic?” the thespian asked politely hoping to see such a divine artifact.

“Sure why not?” the Queen said as she raised her hand and an angelic knife manifested, it was different from all the others that were circulated in Hell. This one consisted of a shade of pure gold or pure white, it also had a big eye where the blade and handle meet with smaller eyes going down the handle” This is an angelic knife, crafted from divine light, it can kill almost anything in this world, be it angel, beast or demon yada yada yada you get the point.”

The knife then was surrounded by an intense red energy that circled it and then was absorbed into It. The knife now glows emanating a white glow from it which turned red as the light traveled further, the eyes now had a red outline to them and what could be described as veined slipping in their interior. This pattern continued on the entire weapon and finally, the handle looked more fleshy, it looked like it inhaled and exhaled if you paid close attention to it. “Now you may ask, what is the difference now? Well, the answer is pretty f*cking obvious if you know a bit about demonic magic. It can inflict more pain on the victim, the demonic side will then feed on the pain emanating from the victim and its ecstasy will then feed the angelic side, so it is a symbiotic relationship, sorta..”

“Can I hold it?” Moxxie asked, hypnotized by the glow of the knife and the eyes staring daggers at him.

“What? No, your frail little body would be consumed by the forces, and you would die a horrendous and agonizing death.” Bee said sternly, making the eldritch piece of condensed magic disappear” Also don’t stare into it, it kinda has the same effect as Azzie’s blade, where it compels the user to kill.”

“Anyway, enough magic lessons, more eating.” The Queen Bee said as she began to munch on her food. While the imp took his time eating through his food, wanting to savor it, Bee was eating through the food as termites would eat through wood.

The rest of the meal went without incident, they chatted a bit but overall the rest was pretty uneventful until the bill was brought. ”Five hundred thousand souls!” Moxxie exclaimed with a shocked expression on his face.

“Not that much to be honest, don’t worry your cute little ass about the bill, mama Bee will take care of it.” She said as she pulled out a card that was made out of gold with diamonds spread across in a beehive pattern.

Beelzebub made contact with the payment terminal; the imp could hear the sound of the machine making when the transaction had gone through. A part of the thespian almost died when hearing that, even when he lived with his father, five hundred thousand was a sh*t load of money.

“Let’s go.” Bee said as she gestured for the imp to follow her, Moxxie obliged, “So, what are you going to do now? Do you want me to drop you back at your place?”

The imp was about to say yes when he realized that he had forgotten his keys at home and that Blitz had probably passed out by now. The thespian looked embarrassed at her and with a nervous smile ”I forgot my keys.”

Bee looked at him with a smirk on her face ”You can crash at my place” Moxxie was no fool, he knew why Beelzebub would make such an offer and he didn’t mind. The imp only nodded and followed the fox through a portal that she just opened, said portal having the shape of a hexagon.

After arriving in her giant living room, the thespian could see that the archdemon made her way to the couch and threw herself onto it, she then brought the remote to her and turned on her giant T.V.

She then turned towards Moxxie. ”You coming or what?” she said in a teasing tone while patting a spot that was next to her. The imp obliged and proceeded to sit next to her, he could see that the seraphim had a faint blush on her face but chose to brush that off.

The thespian started to look at the TV, watching whatever random segment was now on the news. Moxxie could feel that Beelzebub was closing the distance between them, seemingly righting the wrong that was them not sleeping yesterday.

The former mafioso could feel sweat dripping off his face and blood rushing to his cheeks, thinking of how he would deal with the situation now that he wasn’t drunk. He could imagine making an ass of himself and making Beelzebub not wanting to ever see him again.

The Queen-Bee could see Moxxie’s tensed body language and sweat coming off his face. ”What is the matter? Are you ok?” she tried to play it cool but the thespian could swear he had heard a little worry in her voice.

“I, uh, we.” The former mafioso tried to find the word but couldn’t, after a deep breath and a sigh “You know, we are about to have intimacy, and I just uh.” The imp said as he brought his palms to his head and sighed in frustration due to not being able to communicate what he wanted, ‘why am I so useless?’ the thespian thought to himself.

“Look dude, if you don’t want to do it then we are not going to do it, I am not going to force ya into f*cking me.” Bee said reassuringly, reaching out for his hand and giving him a warm smile” So, if you want us to sit here and watch some sh*tty movies from Voxflix or if you want us to bang, it's up to you, I am fine either way.”

The thespian pondered leaning on just watching sh*tty movies and then going to bed since it was the safer and easier choice but against all of this the imp made the split-second decision to go with the second option.

This sudden move caught his date by surprise for a few seconds while the imp pushed his tongue into her mouth, for a few seconds the former mafioso felt nothing, thinking he had f*cked it up and Bee would push him off her. Her reaction was the opposite of that, she started matching his sloppy tongue movements with graceful ones.

To Moxxie’s surprise, this combination of movements had somehow blended surprisingly well which led to a moan from each side when finally stopping to catch their breath. The imp could feel his chest rise and fall at a faster rate while his heart bumped blood with some of the blood going into his lower section where a bump was taking form.

The thespian was going for a second round when he was stopped by Bee. ”How about we go to my room and get more comfortable?” she asked, while getting up and picking Moxxie up like he was some sort of cat. After finally arriving at the monarch’s room, she placed him on her big and cozy bed while starting to get rid of her dress.

The imp followed suit and started undoing his clothes, after getting rid of the clothes on the upper side he glanced up to see a naked Beelzebub. Moxxie’s first reaction upon getting a closer look at her was that she was gorgeous, plain and simple, her fur gave a cozy look to her while her beautiful curves that were most predominant at her hips got narrower at her waist and opened up a bit when going to her bust. The imp became hypnotized by her body admiring every single aspect of it, her soft fur, and her breasts that while not big were beautiful and had a certain attraction to them that Moxxie could not put down.

The former mafioso couldn’t help himself and started to touch his date, slowly making his way with hands from her waist to her head while caressing her “Like what you see?” Before Bee could give another smartass remark she was pulled into an intense make-out session with her date.

They were finally at it again, this time only exploring each other’s bodies, each moving their hands across their partner’s body. Moxxie could feel that Bee was using her upper hand to caress his head and mess up his hair while using the lower set to get rid of his pesky pants.

After pulling away the imp couldn’t help but whisper into the Queen’s ear “You’re beautiful” With that sentence uttered, the thespian saw an emotion that had never crossed Bee’s face, said emotion was fluster. An intense blush overtook her, and she bit her lip.

This reaction gave the former mafioso an idea, he started moving his hands across her body, slower paced and with a gentler rhythm, this seemed to yield the results Moxxie wanted as the archdemon’s blush got brighter and her lava lake and stomach started to form heart-shaped patterns. While he was doing all this Bee discovered the thespian’s weak spot,being his the numerous scars on his body.

Her hands had moved to soothe his scars through any means necessary be it caressing them or kissing them. After repeating this cycle two or three times, Moxxie had ended up in the same position as Bee, having an intense blush brightening his face with about fifty shades of red.

“Enough beating around the bush, let Mama see what she has to work with.” Bee pulled the last layer of his underwear down only to reveal a fully erect penis, said dick being average size for an imp which was around as most of the other species in hell. Thereason for this biological feature was that imps were just too horny and started to breed with other species such as succubi, hellhounds, and imps that were just taller. As a result, their biology evolved so that their dicks usually bloat up to the average size of any citizen of hell despite the imp’s height.

“I uhm, sorry if it is not up to your expectation, I…” he was shushed by the Queen Bee.

“Look dude, I don’t need you to have a monster dick size to be quite frank, they are f*cking painful when slamming into my vagin*l wall coupled with them not giving a sh*t if I had a good time and beingselfish lovers.” she explained ”So don’t worry about it, I think you will do just fine” Bee said as she nuzzled Moxxie “Now, it is time for mama to get her meal!”

With that sentence uttered the archdemon started to familiarize herself with Moxxie JR. She started licking and probing and prodding around to see where the sweet spot was. After a few seconds, the archdemon discovered the spot and this discovery made the imp let out a moan.

This moan was a sign for Bee to keep on hitting the pleasure spot up, her smooth tongue and elegant movement began to wear down the imp. He had never received such a blowj*b, most of the ones he received were very stiff and sometimes painful due to Chaz not caring if he hurt Moxxie with his teeth.

This, however, was amazing, she was gentle and loving with every stroke she took and made sure that the thespian ascended to the first choir of angels. While this was happening a weird feeling had taken over Moxxie, one which made butterflies run up his stomach and make him want to hold on to the demi-goddess that was blowing him. The imp didn’t know what it was, was it infatuation, was it him beginning to fall for her? The former mafioso had no idea and pushed this issue to the back of his mind.

Moxxie could feel himself starting to wear down and the floodgates failing, he didn’t know whether or not Beelzebub wanted him to do it in her mouth, so he chose to pull out. As he was attempting to do so he was stopped by the seraphine grabbing him by the waist and making sure he would do it in her mouth.

The thespian could no longer hold it in and unleashed his seed into her mouth, even after doing so, the archdemon still hadn’t disengaged from his manhood for another few seconds due to the fact she was still licking his junk. After all of that had been said and done, Bee looked at him with a coy and loving smile and then went for a kiss, said kiss was filled with her saliva mixxed with his sem*n that was now entering his mouth.

The thespian, however, didn’t care and further embraced her lovemaking, switching her mixture with his saliva until she finally pulled apart, First taking a minute to breathe and catch her breath then looking at him with a lustful expression “You have some good sh*t in your trunk, babe” she said as she licked her lips. ”Now it is time for you to return the favor while Moxxie JR is recovering” Bee said as she laid on the bed opening her legs and revealing her womanhood. Said womanhood was leaking fluid that even from where the imp stood smelled like honey and caramel mixed with some cinnamon. This coupled with the hungry and almost impatient expression on his date’s face told him what he needed to do.

The thespian got closer, and the smell became almost intoxicating with a sweet and alluring essence that made the imp inch closer and closer. He elected to first stick a finger or two into the puss*, upon doing so he could feel the stickiness and moisture that was inside. Moxxie then began moving his finger to see what would happen, he could sense the walls tightening around his finger and transferring their heat onto his fingers. The thespian could also hear the muffled moans of Bee, who was no doubt trying to suppress them.

After a while of doing so, Moxxie finally began to eat her up, his first reaction upon his tongue making contact with her womanhood was pure ecstasy, it tasted just as good as it smelled, maybe even better. It was addicting to an extent, the more he tasted her vagin*, the more he wanted it to never end.

After an intense session, the thespian could feel that the taste had gone from caramel with honey and cinnamon on top to burnt marshmallow combined with chocolate and a cherry on top. The imp could feel the soft hand of the archdemon grab his horns and using them she shoved him making sure his tongue would reach deeper. “f*ck” she slurred out being overtaken by the passion of their act. ”Keep hitting that, I am about to ..” Moxxie didn’t need her to finish, he started slowing his rhythm which moved his tongue moved, this seemed to have the intended effect as he was reduced the intensity of his tongue pace

After a few seconds of doing so, the fallen-angel let go and then collapsed on the bed catching her breath, the imp scooted over to her and placed himself next to her. He waited for her to recover while he caressed her ears, this also exposed the fact that the almighty Beelzebub loved to get ear scratches.

Her tail began to wiggle, and a sweet smile overtook her face while turned to face him and cuddled into his chest “You sure do know how to give a gal a good time.” she said as she nuzzled his tattoo.

“It isn’t something impressive, I would say my skills are quite inadequate compared to yours.” The imp said.

“Babe look.” She said as she made eye contact with him and placed her hand on his chest. ”Yes, you may not be the best at f*cking but that ain’t important, what is important is that you actually try to give me a good time, that is infinitely way hotter and better than all thebig dicks who think that shoving your dick into a hole will satisfy the person.” She said reassuringly with a sincere tone.

The thespian couldn’t help but smile, all his experiences with Chaz were just his ex-boyfriend bitching and saying that Moxxie wasn’t good enough or some other bullsh*t. To hear somebody appreciate him and actually value his effort was quite frankly something that he had never felt before.

The pair lay in silence, resting up and preparing themselves for the main course, the imp resting on the bed while scratching the ear of Beelzebub. The thespian had thought for a second that this was how the night would end and he was perfectly fine with it.

This thought was disproven when Bee got up suddenly and looked at him “Enough resting, time for the main meal.” She said startling Moxxie.

The imp looked around for a bit and then asked “Where are the condoms?”

The archdemon looked at him “We doing this raw” the false goddess said in an excited tone and started to get herself ready for what was to come.

“Uhm, isn’t this a little bit rash, we just met?” the thespian pointed out.

“Yea and? I am on the pill and STDs aren’t something that worries me since of the whole being immortal thing.” The Queen Bee said nonchalantly. The former mafioso didn’t argue and prepared himself for what was about to come.

Moxxie started initiating by kissing Bee, their sweaty bodies touched each other and exchanged heat in their messy affair. The taller party pushed down the imp making him sit, she then positioned herself and grabbed a hold of his rejuvenated dick.

“You ready?” she asked. The imp could only nod and with that his manhood penetrated her womanhood, and their sweaty bodies collided once more. Moxxie could feel her warm inside, it feltout of this world, he felt like he was high on all of the sh*t he used to smoke and inject into his veins in his previous life.

Despite all of that his hands couldn’t stay still and began to slitter onto her body and end up on her stomach, the furthest he could reach. His hands started to make themselves at home there and get familiar with their residency.

The thespian muttered, ”Crums, you are gorgeous.” Under his breath but soon realized that she had heard him indicated by the tightening around his junk, the imp then moved to start to lick and kiss her waist as she bounced on him.

Something funny that he had discovered was that on the lava parts of her body, if you were to leave a hickey, the colors would simply become brighter and more saturated, almost appearing like a mini star. Moxxie started abusing this little fact by leaving countless rainbow hickeys and muttering some compliments regarding her beauty.

Moxxie could feel four arms wrapping around him and bringing him close to her body almost becoming too hard to move, this also came with the thespian hearing Beelzebub muttering “You f*cking sexy little bitchboi.” under her breath.

The sound of wings flapping could also be heard coupled with her tail wrapping around them, the slight increase in harm was not helping when it came to him barely being able to keep his eyes open. glance up to the Queen of the Ars Goetia revealed that she was experiencing the same thing.

The former mafioso found it odd to see the great Queen overtaken by emotion. Up until now she was calm and collected, even if she was a little bit more playful, she still had a grasp on her emotions. This wasn’t happening now, Bee’s hair was messy, her fur was ruffled and unkempt, and her face displayed only emotions without any thought or any attempt to mask them in order to protect herself.

The picture that was on display made the thespian realize the fog that was her public personas had lifted. he could see her as a person who at the end of the day wanted to live her life, to feel, to love, to be loved, to be able to trust somebody. This also made Moxxie realize how much trust she had put into him, a nobody, a lowly imp that was worthless and was loveless yet, she found it in herself to trust him.

The imp promised himself that he would never betray that trust, that he would never take advantage of her and her generosity.

This little thought process of Moxxie’s was quickly interrupted when he felt an org*sm was on the verge of happening “Bee, I am going to-” the former mafioso was cut off as she tightened her hug and pulled him closer to her, to the point of him burying his face into her.

The thespian could feel his dick twitch as he ejacul*ted his sem*n into her womb, this made his date tighten her hug while also struggling to keep it going, after struggling to keep it going the Queen gave up and collapsed next to him.

Both were out of breath and full of sweetness, the smaller party could also feel some fur that had stuck onto him during their passionate encounter. After a few minutes of them panting, the archdemon once again bundled up onto his chest by placing her head there along with some of her hands.

“That was so f*cking rad.” Bee said in a tired yet enthusiastic smile “We should do this again.”

“Which part?” Moxxie asked jokingly.

“All of this, silly, also next time you are coming to one of the parties I am holding.” Bee stated.

“When is this party?” the thespian asked curiously while still caressing her soft yet messy fur.

The seraphim turned her head to him, tongue pokedout a little and then stated “In about twenty hours.” the right hand of Lucifer said as she let out a groan and used the imp as a pseudo pillow. ”So, good night.” As soon as she said that, her body relaxed and plunged into the realm of dreaming while also starting to drool saliva onto him.

Moxxie tried, he really did but he couldn’t help himself but take a picture of Bee drooling saliva onto him while also moving his free hand to her shoulder. The thespian also decided to stay up a little bit more until he joined the false-goddess in the sweet slumber.

He started by first going through his notifications, only to see one hundred messages from Blitz, and fifty from Loona alongside some calls. Moxxie was tempted to respond, buthe was just too tired to do so, and elected that this would be a task for tomorrow.

He then opened sinstagram, only to see that his account had blown up, he had gone from a mere three followers to ten thousand in a matter of hours. Checking his notification revealed a series of comments either asking for nudes of Bee, helping some commentator get with the Queen Bee, or the strangest of them all, nudes of the thespian.

Upon checking the reels section, he could see that this had blown out proportions, everyone in their mother was talking about it which was odd. The former mafioso asked himself whether or not these people had nothing else to do.

The greed imp was about to close the app when he got a notification, he checked to see what it was, only for his breath to run cold, for his heart to start racing for chills to run down his spine. The notification said ‘Lucifer Morningstar’ follows you, the tag was gold, and the checkmark was bright red.

A few seconds later, a notification popped up, a like on one of his oldest posts where he baked an apple pie. Moxxie decided for his sake to close the app and discuss this with Bee in the morning.

Sly fox, Cute possum - Naughty_Croissant (2024)


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Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

Address: 2865 Kasha Unions, West Corrinne, AK 05708-1071

Phone: +3512198379449

Job: Design Planner

Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.