- How is the Level 4 nutrition course recognised?
When you complete this course you will gain an Ofqual-recognised level 4 qualification, which is accredited by the Royal Society of Public Health. This course is also certified by the Association for Nutrition (AfN) at Level 4 of the Health and Social Care Framework.
- What type of clients can I work with?
Work with people who want to improve their diet in order to optimise their health, lose weight, or achieve a specific exercise-related goal. You will not be able to work with clients who have medical conditions that require specialised dietary advice as this is the role of a dietitian.
- Will I be able to write meal plans?
As part of this course, you will learn how to write meal plans for a variety of clients.The purpose of this is to give a client examples of what a days eating could look like, ensuring that it meets that client's energy and nutrient needs. It isn't about prescribing a set way of eating that the client must follow as this approach is rarely the most effective way of helping clients establish long term behaviour change. Our meal planning course explains in what situations a meal plan might be beneficial and what precautions need to be considered.You will not be qualified to write meal plans for clients with medical conditions.
- What job title can I give myself?
The qualification does not confer a specific job title. Most of our graduates call themselves a nutrition adviser or nutrition coach.
- Can I work for the NHS?
Yes. In addition to nutritionists and dieticians, the NHS employs a range of health professionals that provide nutrition advice including health trainers, dietetic assistant practitioners and community food workers. You can search for jobs on the NHS jobs website using nutrition as a keyword. Tip: ensure that you tick the box to search the whole advert rather than the advert title. This will ensure you see all of the most relevant results.
- What are the career prospects?
You can help clients improve their diet and lose weight through one-to-one consultations or by running weight loss classes. You can also use your nutrition skills in a range of job roles such as catering, corporate wellbeing, and community health programs.
- Who are the AfN?
The Association for Nutrition (AfN) protects and benefits the public by defining and advancing standards of evidence-based practice across the field of nutrition and at all levels within the workforce. AfN Course Certification is a quality mark awarded to courses that meet the competence requirements for their specified sector and level. This quality assurance mark enables students, employers and the public to identify reputable, evidence-based courses in nutrition science.
- Who are the RSPH
The Royal Society of Public Health (RSPH) is an independent health education charity and the world's longest-established public health body.They are also an Ofqual-recognised national awarding body that provides health-related qualifications. When you complete our Level 4 RSPH Nutrition course you will gain a Level 4 Award in Nutrition accredited by the RSPH.You will also be eligible to become a member of the RSPH.
- What kind of support and resources do you provide for online nutrition programmes?
Our e-learning courses are an engaging combination of text, images and video and also include a range of downloadable resources to enhance your studies. Our nutrition tutor support team are on hand by email and phone to answer any questions you may have and ensure you are fully supported and on track.
- What can I do once I have completed a School of Nutrition course?
You will be fully equipped to work as a nutrition and weight loss professional. You can help clients improve their diet and lose weight through one-to-one consultations or by running weight loss classes. Alternatively, you can use your nutrition skills in a range of job roles such as a community food support worker, dietetic assistant or health trainer.
- Do I need to study other nutrition courses alongside this one?
We highly recommend that you only study this course.
- Can this course get me into university?
Yes – our Access to HE course is designed to provide an alternate pathway to university for those not wanting to study A Levels. However, we advise checking with your prospective University directly prior to starting the Access course, as entry requirements may differ.
Nutrition Courses & Qualifications | Study From 1 Hour Per Week (2024)
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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA
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